Looks Debate: Female Perspective


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
MetalFortress said:
I took accutane in the eighth grade, and it cleared stuff up for me for good. Getting out in the sun more is what kept it off - notice those who have real bad acne are usually real pale, too. A little sun goes a long way towards skin health.

They say a little sun is beneficial to dry up the oil in the skin, but eventually it just leads to clogging of the pores from what i've read, and expereienced. Usually it clears up when i get some sun, but then i breakout worse eventually.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
hey TilltheEnd of time, i'm convinced from the research i've done that it's a hormonal imbalance due to a poorly functioning liver. Genetic definately.
I've read so much on this and tried everything diet wise. I got a diet that works but its so hard to follow that i got sick of it. Costs me more money, too much work and time spent on preparing food in my opinion. But this is a diet i tried once, lemme know if urs is similar.

No saturated fats (no butter,margarine, cheese, ice cream,whole milk,)
Nothing fried period.
No sweets, only fruit
Lay off very salty foods like soups.
Limit white bread, pasta, and rice. (I wasn't that strict on this)

I used this diet for like 5 or 6 months a few yrs ago, and i was almost clear. Still had some acne, but very minor. But then little by little i'd slip and have an ice cream, or one fast food meal, or one slice of pizza, and then id breakout alot. So i gave up. I canned the diet. but it def worked. If u have the willpower i swear it worked for me. I'll look for urs on the fitness board, whenever u put it on. Thanks

I feel where you are coming from. I took accutane as well. It is dangerous stuff and I had to stop taking it for health reasons.

The only solution I have found is through diet. However, you also need a topical solution...at least temporarily.

I am going to post what I found worked for me in the health and fitness forum....with evidence backing up my theory. Check for it there later. I am just delaying it for now because I want to wait longer just to make sure what I am doing is working 100%. I don't want to give advice that I do not feel ABSOLUTELY confident about....but for now it is working great for me.[/QUOTE]