looking for some kind of kino guidelines for a girl you just started dating. HELP!


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Is there like an order in which sexual kino usually occurs? Like, first a hug, then a hand hold, then arm around back, etc.? Ive built up quite a bit of rapport with this girl I met 2 weeks ago, and as far as I can tell, she really likes me. She's very proper, like she won't ask me out, or tell me strait up that she likes me, but she will hint at it. Likewise, like she won't initiate anything sexual, which puts me in kinda a tough spot cause I'm a newb to women. Anyways, is there some kind of guidline for kino with a girl your dating? Ive been on 2 dates with this girl, and we've had great conversations and laughed together etc. On our last date I put my arm around her as we were walking to her car, it felt kinda forced tho, (good chance it felt awkward to her too, but maybe not?) cause I hadn't really touched her much up till that point other than a couple light taps on her arm, and a couple of hugs. Should I have gone for a hand hold instead? Would a light touch on her leg be appropriate when we were sitting next to each other? (or maybe her knee would be better?) God I suck at kino, I need help! We have such a good rapport that I feel if I can do a really good job on our next date with the kino, I'll have my LTR with a girl I consider a 10. If somebody can post a good link or two or ten!, or give me some good examples of how and when to use kino, specifically the kind you would use on a girl you just started dating, that would be awesome!


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
Two dates without a kiss? You should get on that before you get friendzoned, atleast thats how I feel with dates.


Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
Easy stuff is like hugging her at the start of the date, hand on lower back to guide her through a doorway, arm around her on a couch or bench just because you need space and are "spreading out," take her hand to lead her through a busy area, legs/arms/shoulders touching while sitting next to her. Just a few easy ones to pull off there..


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Korrupt said:
Easy stuff is like hugging her at the start of the date, hand on lower back to guide her through a doorway, arm around her on a couch or bench just because you need space and are "spreading out," take her hand to lead her through a busy area, legs/arms/shoulders touching while sitting next to her. Just a few easy ones to pull off there..

Could somebody give some examples or "reasons" to touch a girl on her leg/arm/shoulder while sitting next to her, like on a couch with other people around? I know it sounds stupid, but I'm kinda clueless. Also, when walking with a girl, like, say through a lobby, is it more natural/less awkward to put your arm around her upper back, or lower back? I thought I read somewhere that upper back is more intimate and lower back is more normal for when you first put your arm around a girl. Maybe I never read that, I don't know. Thanks Korrupt, any other tips, guys?


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
WhatchaOnaDo said:
Could somebody give some examples or "reasons" to touch a girl on her leg/arm/shoulder while sitting next to her, like on a couch with other people around? I know it sounds stupid, but I'm kinda clueless. YES YOU ARE Also, when walking with a girl, like, say through a lobby, is it more natural/less awkward to put your arm around her upper back, or lower back? I thought I read somewhere that upper back is more intimate and lower back is more normal for when you first put your arm around a girl. Maybe I never read that, I don't know. Thanks Korrupt, any other tips, guys?
you need to change your mindset rahter than being told "where to touch" (that sounds creepy)

you are making this WAY WAY F.UCKing overly difficault for yourself

its only awkward if you are thinking its awkward - she will feel what you are feeling.... and the longer you leave being physical to more awkward it gets, liek you have done

you need to learn how to "lead", you are the man she is looking for you to lead her

stop overthinking this - you are way too much into your head.........dont think, just do


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2007
Reaction score
^^ what he said.

If you're attracted to her you should WANT to touch her. I don't know how you went two dates without even going for the kiss. There's a saying that "a woman will always forgive you for trying to seduce her but will never forgive you for missing your chance to do so".