Looking for opinions(long story)


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
Some background: me and this girl have liked each other for a while.
I don't see her too often, so we haven't done much we've just kissed and we're pretty comfortable with eachother so we touch and tease but have never hooked up. But i want to make her my girlfriend. I'm a senior in highschool, shes a junior...if that matters?

I just want to know what most people would choose to do in this situation

Today she got back from camping and we're talking on the phone.
Basically she ends up nervously telling me that they were drunk and started playing strip poker.....

She got fingered twice (for a couple seconds each time) and blew one guy for 30 seconds it was part of the game and apparently nobody came.
Well I like her a lot now so i was pretty pissed off... but I'm the calm type.

She said she thought i had a right to know and that she really does like me and feels really ****ty and what not. Her other friend who has a boyfriend felt bad too and so did the guy whom she sucked off... he has a girlfriend. There was 4 of them and only one of the guys wasn't really holding on to someone and i knew he was the one who was instigating the whole game.

She said she knows it wasn't right and if she wasn't drunk she wouldn't have done anything like that but she knows that its no excuse and I really do know she's sincere.

[I'm no afc...i have a couple girls i could hook up with easily, but i haven't because i like her...I guess you could call it oneitis.
The main reason I don't want to stop liking her is because then i would have wasted A LOT of time.

I want a serious girlfriend now and thats why I've been going after her only.
Its not like i wanna be with her forever I know I'm a very jumpy person and i have crushes on plenty of other girls.]

We talked and i kind of just told her how i felt; very pissed off, but the way i see it is that, that kind of thing could happen to me too. (In fact it almost did like 2 nights ago but i decided not to.)

I know that it sounds rather chumpish but like i said I've invested a couple months into making this something that i want to last for a good 6 months or so I'm not too sure if i should drop it or not.

A. Just forget about it and keep having fun with her.
(Not too hard for me, my emotions work very fast and I kind of live in the moment.[Which might also be why I like a few other girls too, but her the most because i'm closest to her])

B. Give her a taste of it and see if she sticks around. Basically hook up with the other girl I kind of like and then see what happens with my main girl after that.(Not really my cup of tea because I don't like playing those i'm gonna get back at you games.)

C. Forget about her completely and pick another girl.

Now remember before you all pick C:
  • I'm not an AFC.
  • If she was my girlfriend i'd break up with her.
  • It's not like I want to be with her for THAT long.
  • But I do like her a lot though.
  • I'm leaning towards C but I'd rather pick A

So if you made it this far let me know if you think she's worth holding on to or if its too much disrespect and what not.
I really want to know what most people would do
Thanks a lot for reading this and getting back to me it means a lot.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
You having to point out your not AFC is funny.

Now in reality she was not and is not your girlfriend so her giving some guy head and loving the way some one fingered her is not wrong.

I reckon you've just been too slow to hit it. Also its highschool so girls come and go like mozzies.

And you also have oneitis for this girl :) good luck (don't argue this point as you made a rather large post concering "this" one girl)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
I'm still looking
Option C, seeing as you have other girls just waiting in line for you...

What makes her any different than any other girl? If she is getting fingered and giving head away like candy she really isn't worth chasing...very low quality


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Why do you want to make a girl your gf that would do that to guys as part of a "game"

You are in HS, don't get tied down to a single girl man.

I am an AFC in rehab, but I've NEVER asked a girl to be exclusive with me. I always make them do the asking. Make them want it. Make them come to you.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
I get what youre all saying and yeah i know youre right typical...
i guess i kind of chose her over all the rest but i think i'll just treat the other girls the same as her now and do my own thing.

I don't know if I'll hook up with her and then call it quits because hurting girls isn't my thing. She's kinda got a bad history with that and she basically trusts me to not do that.

But yea i'll just watch her come to me when I don't like her anymore.=] Thanks agian guys