Sorry about the spelling. This is a 2 Day split Day 1. Legs and Lower Back. Squats, Leg curls, Leg extensions, Calf raises, Back extensions 4 sets 8-12 reps. Abdominal crunchies, situps and oblique curls 3 x 20 reps. Stretches: Groin, hamstring, hip flexor, quads, gluteals, abdominals, lower back. Day 2 Chest/Back/Shoulders/Arms. Bench Press, Incline bench press, Lat pull down [front only], Shoulder press, Upright row, Lateral raises, Babell Curls, Concentration Curls, Tricep push downs, push up to failure for 2 sets. Abdominals crunchies, situps, oblique curls whatever is your favourite abdominal exercise - 2-3 sets of 20 reps. Stretchs: Upper back, chest, shoulders, arms, lats, calfs, quads, hamstrings. You can even stretch between sets. Rest on Day 3 and repeat cycle. That is 4 days per week. You can do this for around 5-6 weeks and move onto something different.