Long Distance Relationships


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the new posts guys, more refreshing perspectives.

I don't think I'd tell her I'd be into seeing other people because a day or two after she left we agreed on the phone to not see other people. I trust she won't and that's that. If she does then I'll leave her, simple as that.

I'm starting to think I'm becoming the clinger/more interested one now. Here's why:

- I always ask atleast once when she'll come back to town.
- She'll always give some smart ass answer such as saying "okay" to everything snidely, etc.
- So forth...

Last night I told her she has to get to town as fast as possible, because "I don't know how much more of this phone stuff I can handle". To which she pauses for about ten seconds and just says, "yeah".

I need to stop calling her for a while, only answer her calls if I'm not busy, stop acting so needy/depress she's gone, etc.

One thing I have been doing right though is telling her about these *****es at work who keep hitting on me. I told her one came up to me and said that, "did you hear the rumor we got something going on" and another one that asked her mom if it's alright that she go out with me.


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
sorry to resurrect a REALLY old thread...

but I don't use this forum much anymore.

I will just say that a long-distance relationship has to be for someone really special (as in "seriously - the one" type of person). I'm currently in a LDR (I'm in Phoenix, she's in Brooklyn), and the only reason we went into it this way is because we both know it won't be long-term forever (just until she finishes school). A long distance relationship means you have to trade in the niceties of an everyday relationship (seeing each other often, touching, fcking, etc.) with the niceties of some distance (not always chained to each other, develop your own friends and interests, sharing separate experiences). One piece of advice I will give is to get the same phone company (or an unlimited plan), because you'll need all the minutes you can get. It takes a helluva lot of communication to keep up a LDR. We talk about 2 hours a day (it's easy, you just have to nudge the conversation along and honestly listen to what she has to say every so often) when it's feasible. The upside of a LDR is that it's a lot harder to fight long-distance (and the sex when you haven't seen your woman in a couple months couldn't be better!). It's not for everyone, but some people can make it work for them. I'm glad my woman and I happen to be that type of people.


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
Reaction score
As this thread is super old I wish to tell you guys more about this.

First you gotta make sure you have the right girl. As soon as this broad went to college she partied almost every night, getting hammered, etc. Soon it led to lying such as her telling me she'd stay home, then calling me drunk later forgetting what she said earlier. She started hanging out with guys so I'm pretty sure they were porking her. It kind of pissed me off at the time, but I'm coming more to the realization that women are simply atoms that bounce around, they will bounce to you for a while but will leave to go **** someone else. Just seems to be the way of women.

Wouldn't recommend LDR to anyone, the lack of sex and trust is a huge part of me not liking it.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Unless you establish a solid, committed, relationship which has been proven sustainable, don't even consider it. Go play the lottery, your chances are better.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score

1) she s not hot (only a 5-6)
2) you haven't fvcked her yet
3) she s far away from you

especially because of 2) you can't consider her your "girlfriend", so why are you clinging on to this girl?

you can still fvck her when she comes back, but in the meantime you should def go out there and try to get some instead of waisting 4 hours a day talking to her on the phone


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
itishe said:
As this thread is super old I wish to tell you guys more about this.

First you gotta make sure you have the right girl. As soon as this broad went to college she partied almost every night, getting hammered, etc. Soon it led to lying such as her telling me she'd stay home, then calling me drunk later forgetting what she said earlier. She started hanging out with guys so I'm pretty sure they were porking her. It kind of pissed me off at the time, but I'm coming more to the realization that women are simply atoms that bounce around, they will bounce to you for a while but will leave to go **** someone else. Just seems to be the way of women.

Wouldn't recommend LDR to anyone, the lack of sex and trust is a huge part of me not liking it.
WOAW! i didn't get to read the whole thread before i posted...

well, everybody warned you, now hopefully you won;t be making the same mistake again