I've sought a couple of PUA website before finding this one (SS)
PUA forums are dead... some have like 1 answer/poster a YEAR.
What I love about PUA are actually the techniques.
For a guy like me who's pretty basic until he has emotional attachement...some "lines" or "text game" from the PUA helped me ALOT.
The PUA helped frame the thoughts or intent... like finding a "better version" of what you meant to say or do...
I would love SoSuave to have a text game forum or index (like all the textos and wording you can use or lines). Just to build your tool box.
The PUA forum have that.
However, yes... PUA is dead.. It was fake marketing all the time too (Richard the natural or something videos were models are hired).. Friends of mine making videos to promote their PUA coaching but they asked models to play roles for free in exchange of credits etc...
There is alot of good in the seduction community (actually it should have stayed: Seduction community)
But it turned into a real $$$ business (BTW most the marketing are done in Delaware to avoid taxes aka fiscal paradise)
One journal article from a NYT reporter I think, in a article, was great about describing the Seduction Community evolution until 2016.
It started with guys wanting to be "stars" and have a guy community full of out babe.. It turned into "hot guys" being surrounded by "weirdos" who wanted hot girls... the hot girls were mostly inexistant except when they picked them up for a ONS.
Than it became people catching up and making it a income generating machine etc.
Like Desdinova, I believe there is a great futur for the DJ Bible and Seduction Community but that will take another generation to come out.
Social Media/Internet/rise of feminism and decline of masculinity... didn't help.
But history repeats itself..so they will come back... Like in Sweden (the country of feminism and supreme sexual egality) where women now are seeking to become house-wives again
Apparently,, you never heard of rsd. they lead the market whether you like them or not. Crushed it in marketing. Forums like TAF are essentially dead. Many others are dead. Gamblers forum is closed. Dude's got a rocket wife but, he moved for her and has millions to lose in the event of a divorce. I think he played his cards right and he even called out the gross scenario of women in the UK. Very similar to that of the West.
Well, IMHO, Mystery is GOAT but, the dude is a ****ing idiot with marketing, with time management, and handling his ****. He could be a multi millionaire and own this market as well as self help. He dropped by the ball. This was his domain. He also could have branded himself better the internet and collaborated with others whereby he needed the help. Eben Pegan aka David Deangelo killed it.
It was made into a business because it was a cash cow. Before the internet, ebooks and crap could be sold. RooshV for instance but, in terms of actually pulling girls, he is posting about nearing middle age single. Many of his vids are misogynistic. It reeks of red pill rage. While he is usually (not always) bang on, if what he is pushing isn't applicable or he is incapable of actually acquiring after his life work, what was it all for? His world tour led to zil. Did he get any girls? I would doubt it. He was getting attacked by women and captain save a hoe white knights.
IMHO, I suspect we all in the DJ/PUA/Red Pill community operate in a manner that is telling to middle management, feminists, SJWs etc. It is telling in a work environment. Our body language, the way in which I communicate, the subtleties of game, the lens in which we view the world, and our overall operandi. While I do not flaunt red pill awareness, my lack thereof in willingness to commit is telling. More precisely, seeing the world as it is, not how one wishes it to be.
Lets say, women in the workplace tell you specifically, "you should find yourself a nice single mom." What the **** do you say to this? You either agree like the good little beta and she compartmentalizes you accordingly or you shut it down landing into the ******* gossip box. I've mistakenly been a bit too vocal in this predicament in previous work environments. While I stand true to my perspective, if I were to have to do over again, I think I would have did the same though, I think there likely is a way to handle said predicament with more tact then I did.
If pickup and red pill awareness have showed anything, its that, women when on top form SMV are ***** bombing the alpha males, and its when her best days are over (or nearly) its not time to "get serious," for men to "man up," and play house with. Its time for the good girl shtick, the white dresses, and to hide away the 'sloot gonna sloot' past even if her ass is all over the net and revenge porn sites. How can't the following not kick off red pill rage? Any man with common sense would have his fuse lit. The thing is, it is not productive, and it would be like getting mad at gravity. This is female nature; hardwired by hypergamy at the core of her DNA. How then any many marries in the UK or the west is beyond absurd given, her best days were being a piece of hawt ass, and booty call when thin/young/attractive. Its now cute to be serious when her previous dating strategy is beginning to fail her.
I came to both DJ forum and others to figure it out. The solution I have come to is that, marriage is off the table, and that youth is the biggest indicator of a woman's worthiness with respect to dating. Her sense of value is based upon her sex appeal. If she trades it away during her best years, #DONOTWANT! #NEXT #NETFLIX&&&CHILL! Its purely a numbers game.