LJBF'd, cut off all contact, she's upset


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2010
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ha give the guy pointers so you can buddy up afterwards and talk about what a WH*R* she is in the office...


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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meh, better you just ignore her and if possible hit on another woman when she is close or just let her know you are dating someone else just to piss her off.

better you do is forget her even exist and move out


Don Juan
Feb 29, 2012
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floydb25 said:

Also, certain girls dont not know what they want - they want EVERYTHING their way. Thats why a lot of this crap happens. Youll notice behind the BS excuses and lies that you are being put in the precise position she wants - as it benefits her. Fear and confusion has nothing to do with it. Some of them will go to great lengths in establishing these situations. But youll find, 9 times out of 10, that you are simply being played and manipulated like a chump. Thats why all of these subtle boundaries are in place. They get what they want, and you get used. Then you also have the guilt trips, and other forms of manipulation whenever their interests are being threatened.

They do NOT act this way because they care so much about you, and cant control their feelings. Its because theyre selfish and coniving, and cant get their way. Thats why the games NEVER end. They want all the control. Book it.

These types also tend to be spoiled and bratty, which is theyre always *****ing so loudly when things dont go their way. Thats why a girl will ***** about a guy being a player - when she's already involved with someone else. And this is fairly common. Its all about them. Thats who they believe the world revolves around (and stops spinning when things go sour - no matter how unfair, unreasonable, or selfish they are).

Thats why certain girls are always *****ing, playing the victim, etc. Theyre spoiled, ungrateful, entitlement *****es. And theyre usually hot. And they usually get the **** kicked out of them by most everyone they get involved with - because they lie, cheat, deceive, manipulate, abuse, etc. And they STILL play the victim - literally as all of this is happening. ****, theyre even playing and using the people theyre playing the victim TO.

Some *****es, man. Hate 'em.

Ranting again. Damnit.
So true. I let a good one go a few years ago and have been sentenced to a life of these *****es. Didnt know how good I had it, man. The good thing is for me at least; I have no more feelngs when I see these symptoms pop up. The emotional wall goes up, and I play them. Or, if I can't, which does happen. I bounce. Go ghost. It's been an eductation, and it all started here on SS.
Never underestimate how coy, cunning, and conniving a woman can be. So smart too, these women. Ive heard it said that that is one way a womans brain has developed, to be more sly than men. It's a survival instict. You have to think like a woman to even have a chance...


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2012
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TheWolfMan said:
Yeah I'm at the point where I'm just gonna get rid of it, prob gonna block her FB too just so I don't have to see her.

I know alot of you on here say to block her on facebook, twitter etc. I do not agree with that. To me that makes you look like the chump. You cant even handle looking at pictures of her or her pretending to have a great time? What does that say about you? to me it says AFC. Just my thoughts

Had a girl just recently do this to me, because i lost interest in her. It was definitely a topic of conversation with my friends, especially my close girl friends. We got a laugh out of it.

Just ignore her. If you cant handle looking at her ****, dont look at it. But to me, deleting it makes you look like a bicth.

It also screams "YOU WIN"


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
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vantagepoint said:
Girls from 18 to 22 are little girls. Don't waste your time.
I agree, things got better when I stopped bothering with chicks under the age of 24 but you'll still run into some up to their 30's who haven't grown up for whatever reason. There are a couple in my office who went cold just from seeing a new picture of my girl and I that I put on my desk.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
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Durham Cali
hindsighted said:
I know alot of you on here say to block her on facebook, twitter etc. I do not agree with that. To me that makes you look like the chump. You cant even handle looking at pictures of her or her pretending to have a great time? What does that say about you? to me it says AFC. Just my thoughts
The solution is to block her on your Facebook newsfeed. That way, she won't come up but she won't notice anything on her end (you are still "friends," etc). It's good to block her in this way, otherwise it is too tempting to obsess over whether she is still thinking about you, has found someone else, etc. Sure, these worries are AFC, but the point of blocking (ie, going NC) is to get over these AFC worries.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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joker79 said:
situation is getting weird. Unfortunately I work with this girl and I see her everyday... there's an incredible tension now. I went from "I care about you" to "colleague style" and only business talk and she noticed it ... but she can't say anything as she know why this change happened. Today she went in another room even to avoid confrontation. wow! This is why you shouldn't build any relationship at work place! ****!
Dude i'm in the same pot as you are now :) I feel you ! I switched to no contact and leave it to just plain business talk. It't hard at first (she stays right in front of me and we can gaze at each other all day if we look up) but it gets easier afterwards.

She will try to crawl back or get revenge. In my case she started getting out with one of my colleagues as well, she even touched him playfully with her foot under the table so i can see... It really hurt that time, it's ugly and bad... hurts like hell (i was deeply madly in love :( )

I did not have sex with her which is good for several reasons (or bad for other reasons).

I had sex with other girl, will try to talk to women that i don't know... flirt as much as possible and somehow it will passes away... i still love her though...but i feel much better because she woke me up to reality and i can see how women tend to look at me with other eyes

need time to pass and more women to talk to not rushing it taking it slowly. I haven't seen her in a week and i don't miss her as it was in other times i can feel it.

things that help me a lot: talk to as many friends as you can, do things you like, do sports (they're magic), don't drink, big NO (at least for myself), playfully talk to any women you meet (bookstore, cashier anyone, try to know more about them, try to be funny or not )


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2012
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Update: she's getting mean, she wants me to become needy and to beg her for her attention flirting explicitly with a colleague of mine in front of me or hinting to something going on (the same mentioned some posts earlier). It's incredible how in a week everything can change: she noticed I became cold and didn't give her attention any longer, now she's trying to make me jelous or at least to annoy me (I'm sure, powerful gut feeling). Of course the colleague can't believe his eyes, from loser to winner...but I'm not taking the bait, if I get upset I'll play her game and sincerely I don't want. I'll be stronger than this ****


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Land of slow.
Zerro said:
I agree, things got better when I stopped bothering with chicks under the age of 24 but you'll still run into some up to their 30's who haven't grown up for whatever reason. There are a couple in my office who went cold just from seeing a new picture of my girl and I that I put on my desk.
Just spot the red flags before they become a problem. The office is my favorite place to flirt with girls. Thinking of it now makes me want to watch the Taylor Swift video where she works in an office. I'm pretty sure it's called "Ours".