LJBF'd AGAIN!!! Can anyone work this out?


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Let's not over analyze this. Especially with that "pook" c&p. Girls are fickle, and are fickle because of emotions. Because of emotions is from how she feels about you.

The fundamental principle of what attracts a girl to you...issssss HOW YOU MAKE HER FEEL. Of course attraction/personality play a big role, but it's always how you make her feel.

Right now, you should stay back but keep options open until she seems like she wants to see you again. If you still care a bit about her, bop her a call/email once a week to let her know you're still alive.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Let's get this straight first off...

It's not because of your looks. She will not go from being all over you one minute to repulsed (enough to LJBF you) the next...

So it leaves us with 2 options...

1) Something you did (or didn't) do

2) Something she's feeling.

I'd rule out 1.

I don't know how long she's known you - but if she's into as much as you pointed out, I don't think it's because she wants more and your not giving it to her. She's tell you about it before she LJBF'd you.

Something you did? that's your department. Prehaps you came across as to needy - with IM, Text or phone calls? perhaps to many? - it maybe a goo didea to back that off anyways in future. As a good rule only converse when you setting up dates and times. No BS.

So my guess would be 2.

She's either meet someone else - or she's got some other guilt/issues going on. Perhaps it's her ex - but my guess would be another dude.

Cut your losses.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJ_Dork
Let's not over analyze this. Especially with that "pook" c&p. Girls are fickle, and are fickle because of emotions. Because of emotions is from how she feels about you.

The fundamental principle of what attracts a girl to you...issssss HOW YOU MAKE HER FEEL. Of course attraction/personality play a big role, but it's always how you make her feel.

Right now, you should stay back but keep options open until she seems like she wants to see you again. If you still care a bit about her, bop her a call/email once a week to let her know you're still alive.
I can see you have not read the DJ Bible or any of the links on the opening page of this site...

Sorry about your luck...You might want to check them out...

First of all...if she is "fickle" you "next" her...If not it is just more problems down the road. Trust me on that one as I am 36 and no all to well...BTDT

Second of all is you "never" do the LJBF's thing...Major AFC there and makes her disrespect you totally...Total turn off for women. IMO

Ever heard of Doc Love or Dennis Neder...Might want to check them out...

Third...How you make her feel...If you are strong you make her feel you are "Strong" then she will feel the same...But if you let her walk on you then she will not feel that you are "unattainable" which is the key to her...

I think a lot of women want men to put there foot down instead of falling all over them...


Quote: Right now, you should stay back but keep options open until she seems like she wants to see you again.


You "withdrawal"...

If she calls you tell her you don't want anything to do with her until she makes up her mind what she wants...


Then and only then will you get her back...

Austin Allegro

Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
Interesting case.

In my experience, there is usually more than one reason why men get dumped, it's usually a combination.

I suspect the minor reason was that you are TOO DJ. We've discussed before the fact that a lot of women seem to PREFER AFC behaviour. This is especially true in England.

I suspect you did not engage AFC behaviour sufficiently (supplication, instant returning of texts etc) to the level this woman is used to.

Now this is not in itself a problem - my last g/f did not like this, but talked about it first, complaining that I never complimented her, didn't call her all the time etc. Even though she complained, she still seemed willing to stick around. I think if it was JUST that you were too DJ, she wouldn't have minded.

But, in addition to this, I suspect she found someone else - probably a good looking AFC - and it was this combination of reasons that enabled her to LJBF you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks again people for the additional input. I've had an email from her today sheepishly apologising, but giving no explanations.

However, she did state "you're lovely" and that word sends shivers down my spine whenever I hear it!! I feel totally emasculated by it!!

Nevertheless I replied to the mail just saying "Things didn't work out and that's fine. If you want to keep in touch, the offer's there" and left it at that.

I think now the "can't wait to see you" texts prior to meeting were probably hiding her true feelings and doubts, which she had for a while. When she saw me, I guess she couldn't hide them so well. Maybe she wanted to break up with me face-to-face, but couldn't do it when she saw me.

Either way, it's a lost cause now and not something I'm going to fret over. But I may need to work some more on overcoming my nice guy traits.