Raging asian...
i too live in qld.
great place to be
Let me level with you, and go right to the core, champ.
You may try and deny what i am about to tell you, please dont.
You may try to get angry at me, but you would only be clouding the thing i am abuot to tell you.
You may try and knock me down and try and make me look bad, but i dont think that is you, and it would get in the way of making you better.
The thing i want to say to you is this:
snap out of it man! You are in a P*ussy trance!
Now listen. Stop playing the victim here. The one that likes to blame himself because he "suposedly" can't get better.
YOU are not the victim. Yet you are hell-bent on trying to be one.
I bet the moment you stop playing "lets blame others for what they are doing to me", will be the point you start to turn things around.
If instead of all this victim attitude, you adopted a "how can i?" attitude, i think you would go a long way.
3 things i want to say about your situation, and this is opinion.
1. You are better than you think you are, more capable than you are currently showing, more attractive than you give yourself credit for.
2. Girls get with guys they want to get with, somehow you missed out. That one in the story probably likes you, its just that she chose to be with the other guy....
3. So focus your efforts on improving yourself, and dont seek approval from your mates so much, dont do it for them, and you won't fall into the trap of being in the shadow......soon your shadow will match, and yes, even outstrip theirs.
I honestly think that you just need more experience, and more self belief, because i havnt heard of anyone walking up to you and calling you ugly recently....and another thing, i dont think anyone else is going to do the things that YOU need to do in order to be more successfl with women - even your best friends. They won't help. They are your peers, not your concience.
Out of all the girls there are, you will find some for you. Dont pay those others any attention, to do so will be wasting your time....time you could be using to focus on bettering yourself.
Good luck. By focusing on how to get somewhere, instead of blaming everyone for your lack of progress, you will eventually make the trip.. It begins now bro.
Dont let any mother f-er cheat you out of getting where you want to be...have respect for people and yourself....that means you dont even cheat on yourslef by allowing yourself to blame people for things that are not their fault....you sound better than that.
So they are better, you think?
Did you ever stop to think you might be just as good, if you just stopped sabotauging yourself.