I am living with my GF yea I know that can lead to some problems but anyways we got in a big fight cause of some stupid sh*t. Im kind of mad ive been with her over a year roughly and things are usually ok but she just fvcks up sometimes like doing really idiotic things like being real flirty. Thats just the way she is though. It just got to me this time though. She wasnt kissing or anything but she and this guy she messed around with before like a while ago had their around each other (standing side by side) she saw me walk up and she all of the sudden got away from him then I walked away again and she did the same thing. So I let her know what was up and got pissed. Maybe it was innocent considering they were wasted and I was pretty buzzed. Im still kind of mad right now. she said she was sorry but still. I almost want to end everything with her. But then I want to stay with her. How do you fix problems like this when you live with a GF?