It has been stated before, that this website was not only a website where we can come and get information on women, but also information on other topics that may be troubling us as men. I dont believe racism exists here, and if it does, it is not shown. BUTTTTTT..........when one of our fellow don juans, has a question, I dont care how dumb it is to you diablo or any other moderator, answer it for them and move on. It is people like diablo, the "moderator," that makes people not even want to obtain information from this website dealing with a problem they might be facing, because they are afraid that it might sound "stupid." No question is stupid, defiantly if it is one that you really have a problem with. BECAUSE IT IS NOT IMPORTANT TO YOU DIABLO, or some other people on this site, does NOT give you the right to close it. FVCK OFF.