Listen to David X and you must improve


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
I now get it.Back then when I was so much into pua material,..and it gave me what it gives to alot of peaple,..FAKE CONFIDENCE.
You always want to say the right thing,looking for magic openers and lines,using complicated structures and many other effects of which you find yourself confident but in actual sense you are not because all along you are trying to please her in one way or another.
But to my suprise,everything is EASIER! dont have to look for perfect pre scripted lines,you dont need hypnosis(this especially),you dont need any magic,..its easier than all that ****!
I have been listening to david x for some time and I took my time to really get what he is saying and I swear,if you develop an attitude like his towards women,you will never run out of pussies to ****.
Last week I just ****ed a girl after knowing her for three days(my friend fixed me up) and then I was able to take four virgin girls to bed with me,we did most of the **** but couldnt **** and i went back to Davids videos and listened to him over again(he didnt specifically talk about my situation) but I had an idea of what i did wrong,then yesterday I ****ed one of the virgins from last week,.and I got my girlfriend coming over today and another old friend coming over on saturday...and i didnt do anything abnormal than just letting her talk and speaking my whatever thats in my mind.(how hard is it ti say what you are thinking?)
Am sure 80% of the guys here will improve to become what they want to be after listening and really getting what David X is still improving because I want to have a harem seven girls minimum and alot kf **** buddies...right now i got one girlfriend two **** buddies and five girls am still trying to place them in the right place.I dont want tk brag but am just amazed and am suprised how it worked and I thought its not bad to share it with you guys


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2005
Reaction score
I discovered the same thing. But, I think the techniques are a good beginning point, so you learn to understand how things work. Then, just like in martial arts, you throw out everything and focus on the core of the thing.

Good on you, lad. Cheers


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks yoh...I respect David X because he shifts your thinking and makes you see the reallity.And the reallity is we wanna fu*k and they wanna fu*k its as simple as that