OK, Starman. I wasn't going to bother replying to your post, but you're so damn annoying I couldn't help myself. However, I can assure that I won't respond to your posts after this one, unless you actually have something good and useful to say. We all know after your 3000 posts, that such a thing will never happen, as it hasn't happened yet. And I have better things to do than sulk on this board like an outcast teenager who cares what other people think about his posts.
As far as your idea of "self-improvement" via the use of an internet posting forum, it's obviously ludicrous. In this format, one has plenty of time to think of a great response. This is no way to develop your wit or a sharp-tongue. To do those things, you need to turn off your damn computer and hit the streets. You need to interact with real people in the real world and learn to think on your feet.
But, I wouldn't expect that from you considering the fact that you're working on a PhD and still have time to post more than I have, even though you haven't been here as long.
And, as far as a PhD is concerned, it means nothing to the few men and women on this earth who are actually able to think for themselves. Something most PhDs can't do. I agree with Pook that you intellectuals have destroyed sexuality, at least for yourselves. But, that's not all you have destroyed from your Ivory Tower of Academia.
No, I don't have anything against a good education. I attended one of the top 50 universities in the nation. I excelled academically in pre-law and pre-med. I have the highest respect for most PhDs in fields such as Mathematics and the "hard sciences". "Hard sciences", being Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc.
On the other hand, I have dated a couple of PhD students. And they, and many of their colleagues, were some of the dumbest people I ever met. Most of them were incapable of originating any thoughts of their own. As far as their great "research", much of it was later proved to be wrong.
Even in the hard sciences, there are morons with PhDs. An example would be the idiots who wasted millions of dollars in taxpayer money to study "cow burps". Look into it. I'm not BSing. As far as their "great research", much of it is seriously flawed and a waste of time. (I'm not talking about meaningful research in science and medicine that actually helps mankind. You know the kind of research I'm referring to. Unfortunately, it probably accounts for at least 60% of all research being done.) I could go on and on all night, but why bother. You geniuses in your Ivory Tower are always right. You're always better and smarter than everyone else.
You're not a genius just because you spent eight years in school, wasted taxpayer's money on meaningless research, and got a peice of paper that says you're smart. To steal a line from the movie Good Will Hunting, " Some day you're going to wake up and realize that you wasted $150,000 on an education you could have gotten for $1.50 in late charges at your local library.
Most of the greatest men and women in history who have undeniably contributed the most to mankind, never got a PhD. In fact most of them never set foot in a college classroom. And that includes many great "modern geniuses" who had the opportunity to go to college.
I do know that as for myself, and the few other wise people left in this world, we have much more respect for a self-made man. A man who can think for himself and start his own, profitable business. Whether that business is as a personal trainer, or the founder of Microsoft. Respect for a man who is passionate about "accurate" research that will actually lead to something meaningful. A man who can think for himself. A man who lives life in the real world and not on his computer.
End of rant.