Okay, so you are graduating college and at least in the eyes of society becoming a man and the thing you are most worried about is getting people to like you so that you can make friends, have a social circle or a girlfriend?
I've been out of college for a year now, let me tell you how it is. The economy sucks. I read an article a little while ago that for every job out there on average 6 people are fighting for it. You are asking the entirely wrong question right now. The question you SHOULD be asking is "What do I have to do to be better than the other 6!?"
Up until now, chances are your parents have covered most of your bills. Guess what? You have to pay your own way now. You probably have student loans too.
What makes you better than all of the other jobless college graduates looking for a job right now? If you can't answer that, and if that answer is not a part of your entire being, nevermind girls, that's the last thing you will get.
The real world is made up of 2 kinds of people. Those who make things happen, and those who roll over. What are you going to do?
To answer your question, go for your masters part time, hang out with your co workers (if you have what it takes to get a decent job), hang out with people in your apartment complex. People don't just fall off the face of the Earth after college. Its just that they aren't as friendly, because the real world counts and everyone is your competition.
And coincidentally, once your priorities are straight, you'll probably have all the girls and friends in the world.
I've been out of college for a year now, let me tell you how it is. The economy sucks. I read an article a little while ago that for every job out there on average 6 people are fighting for it. You are asking the entirely wrong question right now. The question you SHOULD be asking is "What do I have to do to be better than the other 6!?"
Up until now, chances are your parents have covered most of your bills. Guess what? You have to pay your own way now. You probably have student loans too.
What makes you better than all of the other jobless college graduates looking for a job right now? If you can't answer that, and if that answer is not a part of your entire being, nevermind girls, that's the last thing you will get.
The real world is made up of 2 kinds of people. Those who make things happen, and those who roll over. What are you going to do?
To answer your question, go for your masters part time, hang out with your co workers (if you have what it takes to get a decent job), hang out with people in your apartment complex. People don't just fall off the face of the Earth after college. Its just that they aren't as friendly, because the real world counts and everyone is your competition.
And coincidentally, once your priorities are straight, you'll probably have all the girls and friends in the world.