ok this is how i do things in relation to this:
I never ever ever ask for a number unless i know the chick is 'interested' or invested.
What i mean is 'i do not waste my time, unless i see heavy IOI's'.
I i accomplish this:
First i will talk to the girl, create conversation toss in a bit of C&F, see if she has a good sense of humour and is operating on the same wave length, then slowly i will shift it around to get her to 'chase' me to show me the indicators of interest to show i am not wasting my time in talking to her.
Granted i could just come out with direct approaching, but this way i get to coax her interest.
At first i tell her:
about me at all.
If she is interested she will ask me profile type questions:
Whets your name?
What do you do?
If she is not interested she will not ask these questions AT ALL.
I never give her the answer she wants, EVER, not on the first meeting.
I tell her some random cra*.
What’s your name:
Juliano robberto (I am english with a deep accent, not Italian at all, they think its italian, or i come out with some other name, just to be fun)
This shows her i am disinterested in her and not going to fall over hurdles but she has got my 'interest in the sense of HUMOUR', hence the first stage of initiating her to chase.
What job do you do:
International surfer for the police currently doing canal rescues on my surf board.
or some other random trash that you can work on and build up to build silly little stories.
The more interested she is the more she will play on these or try to get my real details, e.t.c.
I keep prodding away by not jumping through her hoops and get her to try to jump through mine, to see how into me she is.
When you know she has invested interest in you.
It matters not when you ring.
This is what i do when i get a number.
I ring the phone the second she gives me the number.
When she looks at it, i give her a smile as in stating 'NO GAMES'.
I don’t have to say anything, she knows what’s being communicated, it shows two things:
A: I am confident to not gain approval or pee her off for ringing her and calling her out on a possible flake.
B: It proves the number she has given me is right so i never have to wonder.
And for an added BONUS:
She now as my number so i can bust on her later if i never get a call.
And always set up the date then end it there.
Simply call her small chat, see how she is, did she have a good night, ask her when she is free and get her out to a bar or a coffee shop or something.
that’s it!
Worrying about when to call, tells me your at lvl beginner.
beginner in the sense of getting numbers and worrying about flaking.
It happens, it has happened to me so much i now do the above and you know what 9/10 times it works it works well.
That’s not stating every girl you game will do the above, but at least when you KNOW SHE IS IN THE ZONE, your not going to be wasting time phoning a flake.
It also shows your not wasting date time and money on a girl who does not connect with you! I like fun girls, if you like serious or girl next door girls, make them jump through those hoops, it is after all a numbers game anyway.
Also why spread out, the potential for failure?
By not establishing report or comfort building e.t.c or building interest, your just prolonging the possibility for rejection, you just sticking a time delay on it, which imo makes things worse as your now stuck with 'what if' instead of what you now know.