Let's talk about my GF's red flags - LONG


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Houston, TX
My history is to move to fast, have unrealistic expecations, go AFC and end up in an unhappy marriage (twice). So this time around I am trying to keep reality front and center, keep my relationship pace slow and steady. In that regard, I thought it would be helpful to talk about some of my GF's red flags, how serious they are, and what I should do to mitigate them. I'll also cover some of her good qualities, to help you understand how I perceive her overall.

Elephant in the room: she is a single mom. I really don't want to debate that in this thread, there is a discussion going on in the main forum, I have had one in this forum and over at MMSL. I am aware of those implications and risks. I would prefer this thread be about other stuff.

Red Flags:
- She is taller than me by about 2-1/2" (I am 5'8", she is about 5-10 1/2" I am guessing). Though it's obvious, we have never discussed it. She almost never wears heels around me. Now I am still the physically dominant one - I am a pretty brawny dude, broad shoulders, big arms. So I make a point to pick her up and carry her around here and there, toss her around the bed, etc. But it still makes me wonder if it will start to bug her, or embarrass her one day?
- She can outrun me. We exercise together and she can run like 8-1/2 min miles and I am more like 10-1/2. She slows her pace to let me keep up. She used to run marathons so she is just getting warmed up at 5mi and I am done around 3-4, 5 is my max. Again, I am a big strong guy and she can't lift sh!t in the gym, but I still feel bad she outdoes me so badly on this. Am I overthinking?
- Her ex has more money than me. Don't get me wrong, I do pretty well - Obama think's I'm rich, anyway. I live in a nice but not extravagant home in a good middle class neighborhood. But her ex is a defense attorney that lives in a huge house and a high end neighborhood, has an apartment downtown, drives a porsch, etc.
It has been 3.5yrs since their divorce and she has lived much more modestly during that time, so maybe that has reset her "normal" level? She doesn't wear expensive clothes or jewelry and claims to hate to shop. She drives an 03 Prius. But deep down, will she want that gravy train back? I am not worried about her going back to him, because:
- Her ex was physically abusive. I honestly don't know a lot of details on this because we generally don't talk about our exes. I know he was arrested twice; I know the last time she caught him on audio tape telling her if he left her he would kill their kids. I know he had a restraining order and was only allowed to see the kids supervised for the first two years of their divorce. He doesn't see them often now (once a month or so).
That gave me some "alpha widow" concerns, but I don't think he was particularly alpha. I have heard stories, mostly from her friends, about him throwing little tantrums in public if he didn't get his way, or at the NYC Marathon halfway through he ran off the course and hid for the rest of the day because he couldn't keep up with her.
Also, once we were with a few of her friends and one of them asked if he had showed up at their daughter's bday party and GF said he hadn't. I had drank a few drinks and I said "What a sh!tbag, I'd like to stand toe to toe with him and tell him exactly what I think about that" and GF said "oh no, he would never stand up to you..." and her friend interrupted and said "haha yea I bet he would sh!t his pants, I'd like to see that". So I think he was more of a brat than an alpha.

Ok, on to the good points:
- She is very respectful and follows my lead. I am not insinuating I bark at he like a drill Sargent, but she clearly defers to my leadership in matters big and small. In fact, her mother told me the only two men on the earth that GF will listen to are me and her dad... speaking of which
- She has a good relationship with her dad. Talks to him regularly, talks about him fondly, shows him respect. Tells me I remind her of him in some ways. In fact, from what I can tell, all of her family and close friend relationships are healthy
- She has an MBA and a good career. She never b!tches about her job. I don't think she is making six figures, but she is definitely self sufficient, and seems to manage her money well.
- She is positive about herself, her kids and her life in general. She never whines or complains, has a can-do attitude and seems generally content. She told me that she almost didn't start dating me because her life was "on the right track" and she didn't need some man to "fvck it up". Speaking of when we first started dating
- I am her first BF since her divorce 3.5yrs ago and the only man to meet her kids. She tried OLD and went on two first dates and no second dates because she didn't like the guys, then she took her profile down. I met her at an open mic night I was playing, and she was there with some friends that own a micro-brewery and were promoting their craft beer. Told me that night was the first time she had been out in 6 months.
- She respects my house. Since she has kids we are always at my place. She cleans up after herself, vacuums, helps with laundry and dishes. Whenever she is coming over, she asks what she can bring.
- She can cook. Really well. And makes whatever I ask her too.
- She lives a healthy lifestyle - exercises and eats right. I was fat 2 years ago so having the positive influence is really helpful. And now my favorite
- She fvcks like a pornstar. I stick my d!ck anywhere I want to and tell her where I want to cvm (mouth, *****, ass, tits, doesn't matter). She is always good to go and follows my instructions in bed. Wakes me up with BJ's regularly, let's me tie her up, you name it.

So, what do you think? What should I be looking out for??


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
MOTU said:
What should I be looking out for??
Me stealing her.

Don't give us the good stuff, how does she perform under pressure. Why was the ex so jealous, or was it really all him. Chicks and their friends will just sh@t all over their exs to the new bf. Don't go digging into it, just an area I would be wondering about.
Is there things you are not happy with?


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
I don't think any of the red flags really are red at all, she sounds great. The million dollar question is has she started hinting about marriage? Until then, you don't have to overthink this, just have fun and enjoy. All things end one way or another, change is the only certainty, just keep the good times rolling on your terms while you are enjoying them. Good luck.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Motu- I don't think I would worry about much from what you listed. Those are good points you listed & hard to find.

Hithard made a good point...."how does she behave under pressure"?

How did she handle her divorce? Did she make financial demands? Did she make life difficult for her ex? Or did she just take what was fair and walk away? Did they hire lawyers and spend lots of money arguing back and forth to settle their divorce or did they fill the paper work out themselves like to adults acting reasonable are capable of?

The height deal is only a slight concern and not applicable for everybody. I'd say its only an issue if she is insecure or you are.

As far as her ex husband earning more and her being accustomed to that lifestyle, take a look at the type of car she drives, where she shops, where she eats, what kind of purse she has. Does she ever make attempts at paying for your dates(movies, dinner, etc). What are her tastes in houses/neighborhoods?

I may have missed it, but how long have you been together?


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Dear MOTU,

With all due respect, and I hope you won't take it bad, but it seems to me that your guts are well aware of the Red Flags. And that you are seeking for some kind of justification to keep seeing her.

Ask yourself this and be honest : are you asking people here for their approval of your relationship ?

If someone listed all those red flags, what would you say ?
Walk away, or downgrade to plate.
You might want to follow your own advice then, instead of looking for someone that will tell you that "its ok, you can settle with her".


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
Old Europe
OP, this sounds like a good relationship. Especially for the 40+ range. Some thoughts:

- There are reasons for her ex being her ex. Obviously, the income, porsche and status did not convince her anymore. Otherwise, she would have chosen another lawyer, not you. So quit worrying about $$$.

- The sports/marathon issues will keep you trying to "win her over" during the relationships, which is said to be a good thing.

- She has not really dated by the dozens, hasn't shown you the kids right away etc. Sounds like a thoughtful person who makes decisions and sticks to them. All good qualities in my book.

- Meaningful relationships, especially for ages 30+, are about connecting, committing and evolving together. Sounds like you're in a pretty good spot to do that with her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Thanks all for the reply's, it seems all my friends just say "do whatever makes you happy" and don't have much real input.

@hithard - great question as to how she is under pressure. I really don't know yet. We haven't really argued and I haven't seen her "lose her cool" in any situation. I know this sounds bad, but I would like to have an argument with her where a decision has to be made and emotions run high, so I can see how she will be. She is very competitive and displays signs of being hard-headed, so I am guessing that she can be pretty combative, which fits the abuse situation - it always takes two. I AM NOT SAYING IT WAS OK, I am saying that indicates that she decided to fight and get hit rather than back down. But I have seen no signs of that pointed toward me, or anyone else really. My eyes are wide open though.
Your question "are their things that I am unhappy with?" has really had me thinking. Not really. And that's a clear sign I am infatuated, right??

@dasein - no, she hasn't. In fact, this last weekend we were having a convo about one of her friends who has a kid and divorced and recently remarried. New hubby does everything: takes the kid to school, drives the kid to be dropped off at her dad's, etc. I wondered aloud what the h#ll the guy was doing in the relationship. GF speculated that the only reason her friend married was "for the help" and added "that's why she doesn't get my relationship with you. I am not looking for a baby daddy, I'll raise my kids. I want someone I can be a grown up with". BUT, I know at some point she'll want more, why wouldn't she? But I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

@Howiestern - we have been dating 7mo, exclusive for 4mo. I really don't know much about their divorce. I don't talk about mine and don't ask about hers, so all I know is from what I gather indirectly from stories and other convo's. I do know her divorce was about him hitting her. She didn't walk away with a ton of cash and he is a lawyer, whom I assume to be older than her (though I don't know that) and I imagine he had a prenup. I do know she has said they never did the "fighting over text" stuff and she was glad the situation was "cut and dried" so she didn't have some long, drawn out battle.
I pay more than she does for sure, but she does insist on paying from time to time and I oblige. She spent more on me on christmas than I did on her.

@Shaka - that's why I am posting. I want to talk/think about the red flags. At this point, none of the red flags have actually caused me any issues. But what seems to good to be true usually is. I am posting to (try) and keep myself honest. Right now, I think she is a great catch and the good FAR outweighs the bad. But I have thought that before and ended up very unhappy...

@Moroder, thanks for the encouragement. You are right that she could have made very different choices and I guess I need to take that at face value. Twice bitten thrice shy I guess. I don't really trust my instincts in these matters anymore.

One decision I have made is that I am not going to make any major life choices for myself until my youngest has been off at college for a full year. That's September of this year. Hopefully that's enough time me to know where her weak points are and what I really want.

Thanks again to everyone.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah I wouldn't sweat it too much. Things might be going smoothly because you are both a good fit. In the 40s relationships there is always some kind of baggage. I'd just enjoy while staying true to yourself. Don't chump it up.