thatfeel is referring to a Stanford study that was already proven to be misleading! See link below. "
Stanford study has dark roots".
"The study is very careful to say that no other differences were examined- only nutrition. So some of the main reasons people prefer organics were not even addressed, like chemical pesticides, chemical fertilizers, chemically treated water, chemical herbicides to kill or suppress molds and fungus, and chemical poisons (like Round-up) used to retard weed growth. "
thatGMOfeel believes that organic food (grown exclusively for thousands of years until the past century when Rockefeller Oil interests turned chemical weapons into pesticides) is a conspiracy of privately owned companies? What? Have you ever heard about farmers markets and gardens?
I'm eating home grown organic sprouts at the moment, along with wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon, organic Jasmine rice and homemade habanero salsa. You wonder why I can date hordes of gorgeous women half my age? You don't think I used to eat junk food but learned the hard way how bad it is? You don't think I've felt 100% better and been disease free and medicine free as a result of my diet? You're a shill.
But go eat your GMO corn,
thatConstipatedfeel. Keep supporting Monsanto who is lobbying to take away our right to know what is in our food. GMO food (where they mix plant and animal DNA together, something never done by God) is designed to withstand more Roundup Ready (glyphosate), a pesticide proven to cause cancer, kill butterflies, destroy the soil, pollute our wells, and cause birth defects. GMO food also has toxins built right in, they can't be washed off. God help us if people like
thatHeadachefeel run our food supply.
thatPoisonedfeel, you clearly have an interest in non-organic. Would you mind telling us where you work? I'm guessing McDonald's. I'm a computer scientist but I published over 50 health related articles under a pen name. I've done my research on this. I can prove it. Anyone can PM me their health ailments and I'll tell them the natural cure for free. If it works, you can neg
thatAskYourDoctorAboutfeel for me.