Attention wh0re
Stage 5 clinger
History of depression
Very few female friends (reeks of low self esteem, she can't be around other girls)
Addicted to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. (I don't need to see a picture of your salad, thank you)
Has lots of orbiters or male friends (can't get enough male attention)
Ex is a deadbeat loser (she'll date ANYONE so she doesn't have to be alone)
History of abuse
Super secretive and protective of her cell phone (she's
texting her orbiters to keep orbit)
Takes selfies like it's going out of style. I find this a MAJOR RED FLAG
Self image issues (constantly changing hair color, nail color, makeup, etc.)
Needy/insecure (constantly calling/texting me like I have her paycheck)
Yes I dated a girl who had all of these traits. NC worked for me. It can work for you too.