Lets just be friends!


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score

I've just had my entire world turned upside down 2day! Someone who i thought loved me very much says they just wanna be friends. Hearing that has practical destroyed my world! I really loved her and now this happens. I hav no idea what to do!
Any advice would be great.



Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score

Thank you but I have enough friends.

Then quietly go no contact until she starts saying what you want to hear.

The idea behind completely cutting her off is to shock a chick out of her arrogant ego boost that she gets when she gets rid of a guy.

The message sent by rejecting her false friendship olive branch and cutting her completely out of your life is that she wasn't worth as much to you and all men as she originally thought in her arrogance.

If she ever deeply cared about you and doesn't want to lose you forever she will eventually come around and contact you saying what you want to hear.

If she doesn't come back eventually you are better off without her.

As painful as it may seem to think that...

It is the truth.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
KontrollerX said:

Thank you but I have enough friends.

Then quietly go no contact until she starts saying what you want to hear.

The idea behind completely cutting her off is to shock a chick out of her arrogant ego boost that she gets when she gets rid of a guy.

The message sent by rejecting her false friendship olive branch and cutting her completely out of your life is that she wasn't worth as much to you and all men as she originally thought in her arrogance.

If she ever deeply cared about you and doesn't want to lose you forever she will eventually come around and contact you saying what you want to hear.

If she doesn't come back eventually you are better off without her.

As painful as it may seem to think that...

It is the truth.
These are rockets of enlightenment from Commander KontrollerX. Young brother yo uhad best heed these words and internalize each one until they sear themselves into your heart and mind.

I'll add that you need to get away from the doldrums of wishful thinking and see everything as it truly is. She dropped you. It happened, live with it. Learn from the experience and get past it. Let it form another brick in the foundation of your masculinity. Don't build walls, build bridges.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
I think when a new poster that hasn't read the bible start making threads like these, no advice should be given and instead should immediately be directed towards various seduction books or the bible.

It just seems like a new poster arrives every week and it gets tiring sometimes.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
War Against Betaism said:
I think when a new poster that hasn't read the bible start making threads like these, no advice should be given and instead should immediately be directed towards various seduction books or the bible.
Nope. Following the herd just creates more sheep.

It just seems like a new poster arrives every week and it gets tiring sometimes.
So this is a reason to give up on someone? Because it's tiring?

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
KarmaSutra said:
So this is a reason to give up on someone? Because it's tiring?
Where did I say we should give up on someone?! This community seems to be growing and the new wave of people is in quick demand for improvements in their games. When people are first introduced to this whole seduction business, there's books dedicated to the entire subject on how to properly handle women. I may have come across the wrong way when I said it gets tiring; it's just that there's too much to tell the new posters, I never feel it's right to just give them advice on their one specific situation; they should be taught the entire subject because we know they're going to come back to post. It just seems much easier to advise them to read the books first.

Though don't get me wrong, when those who have exceeded the knowledge that the books provide, there's no better place to resort to but these forums. Coming here gives you more flexibility because advice is given in very specific situations that none of the books cover.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Exactly what KontrollerX said. Lose ALL contact with her.
She will realize what she has lost, and will come back. Just make sure that when she does, you do not quickly start to become needy around her. The most important thing to do is to ensure that you are the prize so that the thought of her being able to leave you does not even cross her mind! And when I say cut all contact with her, CUT ALL CONTACT WITH HER. Do not check her out, talk about her to your friends, etc. It's just as if you got dumped and you want to get a girlfriend back, follow those tips! Start talking to more girls, surround yourself around them. (Sure, right now your frame of mind is: "But Axcell, those girls are nothing like this girl! This girl is amazing, smart, funny. Guess what? I don't care. Surround yourself with them, and make sure she knows you are being surrounded by other women. Women are very jealous beings, so use this to your advantage!) In short, you need to have her frame of mine set on: "I lost this guy once already, I need to make sure this works this time.!"

Girls like to know that they worked hard for what they get. You probably became too needy to her, thus, she realized she could leave you, and she did. Let her know that you do NOT want to become friends, she lost that opportunity, and she will run back. It could take days, weeks, and even months, but I am pretty sure that if she had even a bit of feelings for you, she will run back - a woman's guilty mind has that effect. She will be thinking to herself: "What did I do? I made such a mistake, I shouldn't have done what I did." What you just did was make her feel INSECURE about what she did. She will come running back, and than you are able to use your DJ skills to trap her back again. ;)

Re-read my post as well as the very first reply you got in this topic. With those 2 fundamental points, I am pretty sure you will know what to do.

If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me,
Hope I helped.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Here is how a typical conversation goes:

Woman: I have been thinking about this for a while and I don't think we should see each other anymore, lets just be friends ok?!

Man: <crys> ok lets be friends, I don't want to lose you (hoping she will one day change her mind>

Woman: "Squeels" Oh thank you, you are the bestest friend ever <GIVES YOU A HUG> (to add insults to injury).

Here is how a REAL conversation should go:

Woman: I have been thinking about this for a while and I don't think we should see each other anymore, lets just be friends ok?!

Man: No it is not ok, goodbye <walks away without giving her the satisfaction of an answer she wanted or seeing him quievering in pain, no explanation is needed beyond this point. The man goes to the Gym works out his anger like a mad man then goes home eats, sh1ts goes to sleep because tomorow the sun will still shining and everything is going to be ok. When the Man feels the time is right he goes sarging to find other women who will please him.>



Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
The core thing to realize is that following the advice is important but understanding that it has to be real is the key. If you say it and don't mean it you're gonna be back to square one in no time.

Time you spend with a LJBF is your time wasted, her time well spent. Why would she change anything about that? She's getting what she wants (your time and attention) without giving anything back.

Get out and be busy, find other girls and realize the advice written above by others is reality.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
You have to realize that the more you will try to do something about it, the less you will accomplish. Therefore, like KnotrollerX said, just cut her out.

But if you truely love this girl, I also think its better to be friends with her, then nothing at all. But be carefull not be a shoulder to lean on and an emotional tampon.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
KontrollerX said:

Thank you but I have enough friends.

Then quietly go no contact until she starts saying what you want to hear.

The idea behind completely cutting her off is to shock a chick out of her arrogant ego boost that she gets when she gets rid of a guy.

The message sent by rejecting her false friendship olive branch and cutting her completely out of your life is that she wasn't worth as much to you and all men as she originally thought in her arrogance.

If she ever deeply cared about you and doesn't want to lose you forever she will eventually come around and contact you saying what you want to hear.

If she doesn't come back eventually you are better off without her.

As painful as it may seem to think that...

It is the truth.
Survey says...THE #1 ANSWER!!!:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
Or you can say the similar variant of "no I have enough friends, buh-bye!"

Let's just be friends means you will never see me naked. To avoid this, you must establish yourself as a potential lover/ alpha male/ prize and don't be scared. It's always better to be told no than let's just be friends. Big Johnson and Baruch had great answers too.

Stop being a wuss!

Now go in the club and try it again!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
Cut all contact and chat up her friends..

She'll come crawling back. 99% of the time it works.

Z Man

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2002
Reaction score
Western Missouri
Evolution said:
Cut all contact and chat up her friends..

She'll come crawling back. 99% of the time it works.

+ other people's advice...
When!?! It's been two months of no contact! LOL!

(oh, and she didn't have any friends, I was the only guy she dated, etc.)

FWIW, in answer to future plans, she said, "as friends" which I assume is the same as LJBF?
sorry...I'm just frustrated cause I lost my last plate yesterday. :mad:


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
Cheers for the advice everyone.

Decided to just move on and find a better girl.

Even though i still love her, i ain't gonna sit in my room thinking of ways to get her back when i could be out there enjoy my life and meeting loads of new girls.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
RedSky said:
Cheers for the advice everyone.

Decided to just move on and find a better girl.

Even though i still love her, i ain't gonna sit in my room thinking of ways to get her back when i could be out there enjoy my life and meeting loads of new girls.
OMG someone who is actually putting himself ahead of emotions that can easily be replicated. Cheers man.

If you need any advice, any of the long term guys here would love to help someone who actually listens and takes advice.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
RedSky said:
Cheers for the advice everyone.

Decided to just move on and find a better girl.

Even though i still love her, i ain't gonna sit in my room thinking of ways to get her back when i could be out there enjoy my life and meeting loads of new girls.
And cheers right back to you!

Great way to get out of your slump, and I'm proud of you!:up:


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
The answer to lets just be friends is:

"get the fvck out of my face now, bytch - find another chump to be friends with you"


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
Here is how a typical conversation goes:

Woman: I have been thinking about this for a while and I don't think we should see each other anymore, lets just be friends ok?!

Man: <crys> ok lets be friends, I don't want to lose you (hoping she will one day change her mind>

Woman: "Squeels" Oh thank you, you are the bestest friend ever <GIVES YOU A HUG> (to add insults to injury).

Here is how a REAL conversation should go:

Woman: I have been thinking about this for a while and I don't think we should see each other anymore, lets just be friends ok?!

Man: No it is not ok, goodbye <walks away without giving her the satisfaction of an answer she wanted or seeing him quievering in pain, no explanation is needed beyond this point. The man goes to the Gym works out his anger like a mad man then goes home eats, sh1ts goes to sleep because tomorow the sun will still shining and everything is going to be ok. When the Man feels the time is right he goes sarging to find other women who will please him.>


That sounds like it would come off a little bitter to me. I'd just say, "Sorry, but I agree with you. This isn't working out and I think it would be better if we not be friends because i already have enough of them. It was nice knowing you, though, and good luck in the future."

You have to say this with complete indifference, though, as if you were being kind to someone who you weren't attracted to at all just out of pure pity for that person.

Like when a fat girl tries to hit on you at a bar...and you turn her down nicely out of pity...that smae mindset.

Kristian Garcia

Don Juan
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
zinc64 said:
That sounds like it would come off a little bitter to me. I'd just say, "Sorry, but I agree with you. This isn't working out and I think it would be better if we not be friends because i already have enough of them. It was nice knowing you, though, and good luck in the future."

You have to say this with complete indifference, though, as if you were being kind to someone who you weren't attracted to at all just out of pure pity for that person.

Like when a fat girl tries to hit on you at a bar...and you turn her down nicely out of pity...that smae mindset.
I like that one... I would just go on,find someone else because women like her that says "lets just be friends" are just a waste of time... There is 10000 other women out there we have too remember that!