Lets just be friends


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Hey man I am not disputing that it gets you the same result. I am sure it does it will turn her on I am sure. I am just saying there are better ways to go about getting a woman turned on.

How do I know? well for example after I make her *** the first time I will tell her "I am going to f*ck you in that ass" and she will say "yessss, ok blah blah blah".

All I am saying is that you get better results if you stimulate her in other ways. Think about it almost every guy does what you do she has probably had it 100 times. If you want to be a truly exceptional lay in her eyes you need to take a different course.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
NickBe said:
How do I know? well for example after I make her *** the first time I will tell her "I am going to f*ck you in that ass" and she will say "yessss, ok blah blah blah".
Haha. I'm right there with you on that one. Hell, sometimes I joke with my friends that I have my tounge up a girls a$$ before I even say hi to her. =

NickBe said:
All I am saying is that you get better results if you stimulate her in other ways. Think about it almost every guy does what you do she has probably had it 100 times. If you want to be a truly exceptional lay in her eyes you need to take a different course.
That may be true, but I don't really care if I'm the best she's ever had or even if I suck in bed. I just want to bust a nut. I guess I'm old fashion that way.

I'm pretty sure though that I'm not the worst she's ever had. That was probably her first bf in high school.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
You don't? well then keep doing what your doing it should be fine. I like being the best she ever had it gives you unlimited power over her.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
So I met her up today, I know I shouldn't have.. I guess we're friends now but.. I still made out with her today.. I know I should just next this girl now before I get anymore emotionally involved. I should go out and meet other women. So tonight I'm going to try picking up other girls.