Let's be realistic here about women and relationships.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2012
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sambwoy said:
Gay or not, I somehow feel better for being in the company of other men. I don't know why. It seems to be more socially and (in some cultures) religiously acceptable for a man to be partners with a woman, but if you're in a situation, as I have been many a time, where the young women who are age appropriate for you (in society's eyes, anyway), are on mass repulsive in how they treat men (in clubs, bars and sometimes everyday experiences), is there any other option?
while true this wasnt the point. Im trying to say women have a purpose and are the way they are because it needs to be that way. they have vaginas and cats meow. its part of their makeup and quite frankly probably why guys love them.

for whatever reason God or evolution made the two sexes quite different and there isnt a point to getting mad about it.

I do agree the company of men can be great and is quite important. in fact I think a group of guys that get along is far more relaxed than a group of girls that get along.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
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I don't know if this is the right thread to put this up, but interest in women physically I can't afford to do most of the time. Frankly, it just causes pain. When you're quite young your mind is being controlled by elders/authority and their 'unconditional love' system that you struggle enough with to swallow, meanwhile, you get sucked in with homophobic society showing you the women that you **should** pursue (probably slvts) and if not you are the butt of jokes/torment. You have a hard enough time trying to cope with all that, and you worry enough about burning bridges with everyday regular people.

Why is a guy's world is all well and good as soon as he gets approval from a 'hot chick'?

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
I agree with the OP.

A lot of you guys sometimes need to be reminded that women were not always this way. I know, I've lived it.

The media has found a way to completely brainwash them, to undermine their already weak ability to think logically and to bolster their ego to immense, monstrous proportions. They are discouraged from logical thought, from any sense of loyalty and moral code, and from a sense of honor. These have become exclusively male traits. They are collectively an absolute mess mentally and emotionally. That's why SS and sites like it exist.

Those of you who are 40 or younger simply have not lived in times when the above statements were not universally true. I was around just when feminism started to get its hooks in. Back then there were plenty of women who had a sense of honor and loyalty.

Guys, don't make the common mistake of thinking that women have always been this way throughout history. They have certainly always had these propensities, but women are herd creatures, prone to group-think, and therefore easily manipulated. The people behind the media have figured out how to pull their strings and control them, and in so doing, have largely neutered men. This has all been by design... to get women out in the workforce paying taxes and to neutralize male will to take action. Mission accomplished.

To destroy the man, just manipulate the woman. There are people in several industries who know this principle and implement it systematically, and have been for the past 50 years.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Mike32ct said:
Men will generally treat you better than women will. Most men have a better understanding of respect than women do.

Consider two scenarios....

1. An unattractive female (maybe fat or old or whatever) starts talking to a guy at the bar.

2. An unattractive make starts talking to a female at a bar.

I bet my last dollar that the guy in #1 will at least be polite to her, although he will probably cut the conversation short.

In scenario #2, the guy can expect to be flat out ignored or given a rude eye roll at a minimum.

I am not and would never advise a guy to turn gay lol. I'm talking about friendly interactions. Having guy friends is important. You can get some (limited) validation and empathy/sympathy from your buddies that women will never give you.
If you're not getting laid, having guy friends is key to not becoming depressed and sitting in your house all day. Your scenarios are spot on, and it will never change because beggars can't be choosers. Women know they hold all the cards when it comes to dating and can be as rude as they want to be.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score

I want ask "do you actually even hangout with women?" To be honest, I prefer hanging with women over men due to a handful of reasons.

One of the biggest things about women is that that they will show you who you really are ego/fears and everything. The mere fact of interacting with women wiil NATURALLY challenge who you are because reflect/react/calibrate to men.

Honestly, it is us men who are essentially ****ing things up AND as a result most are commonly seeing the corresponding SOCIAL MASKS. I say this because after spending many years hanging with a **** ton of gorgeous women I've come to learn myself better and the moments/experiences that caused me to revert into that horrible "guy" mindset.

IMO, if you agree with OP then you're lacking actual experience of genuinely being with women in a manner where YOU ARE NOT CHASING nor feel the need to prove anything.

P.S...Women are the must nurturing loving of the genders. I consider myself a loving person BUT the average woman will express much more love faster than I.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
ducnguyen said:
I've been cheated on in my life, so i don't like that feeling. I once cheated on a GF and realized how much of a dumbsh*t i was. Not to mention cruel.

I'd prefer a monogamous relationship simply for STD reasons too.
Newsflash, it's not THAT EASY to get an std...

Trust me the amount of crazy/wild **** I did last year with no problem has really put things in perspective.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
If you're not getting laid, having guy friends is key to not becoming depressed and sitting in your house all day.
For some unexplained reason I feel more comfortable socially around guys. I put this before. Also, a lot of girls in my circles in my past in fact DIDN'T and COULDN'T relate to the guy's problems unless they were attracted to him, to the point that they don't help him and the guy is in absolute pieces, psychologically and emotionally, and the girls feed on that, and not being attracted to him is the permitted excuse. A girl can have a girlfriend's hand to hold. A guy doesn't. I've seen this play out on the forums often.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
If you're not getting laid, having guy friends is key to not becoming depressed and sitting in your house all day. Your scenarios are spot on, and it will never change because beggars can't be choosers. Women know they hold all the cards when it comes to dating and can be as rude as they want to be.
and generally when they are rude there is a strong possibility they could also be testing the guy, according to Carlos Xuma, well I just feel what he says makes sense, he says that women are always constantly testing a guy both subconsciously and unconsciously, and when people say that women hold all the cards with dating and relationships and sex, I hate it when people say that real men hold all the cards or have the power or have their choice with women, they say that Beta Male behavior is hoping the woman chooses you meanwhile Alpha behavior is the man choosing the woman, I don't get it because they are making it sound like as if women have no say in that matter, obviously the attraction has to be mutual, and since 95 percent of the time the man always has to do the approaching and asking out, initiating, leading, obviously of course the woman has a right and choice on whether she wants to date or sleep with the guy or not, and since obviously we know who is mostly expected to do the approaching and asking out means we do not control the outcome, so yes that's why I feel women hold the cards in dating and sex, this is not a rant its me just stating my opinion and doing a counter argument against people who say that it is real men, men with balls hold all the power and choice with women, well I might say that is true once women get older usually over age 30 but women in their late teens and most of their 20's is when they hold all the cards

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
thatfeel said:
Okay so here's the kicker. If you can't reason with a woman, because it's not in her nature, or her wiring, and if you can't get a woman to listen to and if you can't get a woman to reach a positive conclusion to any conflict through reasoning and discussion, then why ever entertain the idea of anything beyond sex with women?

Because here's what I see from something like that. If a woman CHOOSES not to act on the words which come from a man's heart and how he feels and what the right thing to do is, then, we can only rationally assume that she doesn't care much for, if to any degree at all, his feelings, or his suffering, or for what his beliefs are, or where his display of disdain for her is coming from. When you recognize that the only way to get a message across to women is by leading with actions is when you realize that a woman is only responding to the fact that something has inconvenienced her, not because she cares about what you said earlier or that you were not happy with something.

I understand that the real world will probably never come to a point where men and women walk on the same neuropathic trek. I just want newcomers to recognize the error in their plight for anything beyond spinning plates.

:up: :up:
The stuff above is the my favorite part of your post. Its worthy of serious thought for all marriage seeking betas.

Nature intended the two sexes to reproduce and create safe and nurturing environments for their offspring. The romance and commitment desires in humans are to hook them in long enough for offspring to mature.

The "life partner sh!t" is 100% created by society and totally unnatural. So is a man not f*cking other women. Marriage was created by MEN to keep women at home taking care of his offspring while he f*cked others. It was never intended for the man to be a loyal beta faggot slave to a woman. These arrangements were usually the result of a lack of options and resources in pre-modern times.

The reality is.. what is natural vs. what society created doesn't really matter. Human's have always adapted or changed the world to suit their own best interest. In 2014.. spinning plates is in a man's best interest. In 1790 being married was in a man's best interest. It changes over time. Many ignorant modern men are stuck in the past and refuse to wake up. :crazy:


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
The stuff above is the my favorite part of your post. Its worthy of serious thought for all marriage seeking betas.

Nature intended the two sexes to reproduce and create safe and nurturing environments for their offspring. The romance and commitment desires in humans are to hook them in long enough for offspring to mature.

The "life partner sh!t" is 100% created by society and totally unnatural. So is a man not f*cking other women. Marriage was created by MEN to keep women at home taking care of his offspring while he f*cked others. It was never intended for the man to be a loyal beta faggot slave to a woman. These arrangements were usually the result of a lack of options and resources in pre-modern times.

The reality is.. what is natural vs. what society created doesn't really matter. Human's have always adapted or changed the world to suit their own best interest. In 2014.. spinning plates is in a man's best interest. In 1790 being married was in a man's best interest. It changes over time. Many ignorant modern men are stuck in the past and refuse to wake up. :crazy:
Money didn't exist when we humans were living in caves, so the Alpha male that got women back then didn't have any money, I wonder if that primal attraction trigger can still work today?