:crazy: you gotta be kididng me.
I see what everyone is talking about now.
I never said I didn't know HOW to deal with the issues. For your information, when I left HS i was classified as a sophmore in college becuase i already had taken alot of college credits. I spent 3 YEARS going to libarys learning accounting and basic business practicies... We flew across the country talking to million dollar venture capital compaines.. and the one that eventually gave us some money was fine with me and my positoin in the company.
you really are clueless.
I was stressed becuase I WAS THE ONLY ONE OF US WORKING!. I was doing the job of two people. My normal job was to deal with banks, make sure people got paid and make sure marketing did what they were suppopsed to do. We outsourced alot of the work so it's not like I was sitting up doing it all by myself.. but at the same time, we now had people that WE had to answer to, and i was the only one that seemed to care.
I doubt there is a Business admin class that teaches you how to handle your business partner wanting to "kick your ass" becuase you didn't pay HIS electirc bill for him... this is the **** I had to deal with on a normal everyday basis.
When I left, I kept a small porition of stock so I can have some sayso and in case they went public.. about a year ago I sold that as well.. I want nothing to do with them any longer.
I look at my mother, who has 3 degrees and a maters in business, and can't cut a computer on without calling me, who wouldn't know what SG&A stood for if it were in neon lights... she can do the fvck out some taxes, but that's about it.. but about 20 grand and 13 years of school to learn how to do taxes.. and SHE WAS ON THE DEANS LIST!
Just because you GO to college, doesn't mean you learn, and just becuase you don't go doesn't mean you don't. The only thing I missed out on in college was future contacts. I can go back right now and assume my old job and not miss a beat. There isn't much accounting I don't know. I can probalby pass a CPA test right now but I legally can't because I don't have a college degree, but I studied hard enough to where I didn't want me not going to school to be the compaines downfall. my buisnes sparnter, as cooky as he was, he had his strong points, and we when we did work, we worked well together.
I sold my company when I was 21 years old still. listening to you, I would have still been in college. that would suck