Let it begin!

Vincent Freeman

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
First of all I want to say that I have really enjoyed reading the threads, especially the DJ Bible. It has never been as motivating as now. Although I hate to admit it, my game has gone from prime to none. After getting out of an LTR about a few months ago, I have been pretty much accepting the fact that I don't have it the way I did before my LTR. I remember how easy it was for me to approach any HB with finese. But now I feel like a retired football player in that area, rusty and a bit insecure of getting back in the "game". Nonetheless, everything is else is smooth, it's just that one area that is below expectations. I have achieved my goal of getting into medical school and have built the foundations of my future. It's just this simple task that is giving me quite a challenge.
Anyway, yesterday I had a real turning point. As I was getting some books at Barnes and Noble I spotted a HB (8.0) with the nicest body (and a great pair swingers) I have seen in quite some time. I mean this chic was all that and a bag of chips! Anyway, I noticed while I was sitting on the table that she glanced over and noticed me. At that point I figured that was my green light to proceed and I got up and walked close to the aisle she was in. Although the voice in my head was telling me to go up to her, my body seemed hesitant (insecurity again) and I decided to walk over to the fountain and get a quick drink to chill out. Well, after taking that trip to the fountain and coming back to the spot, I realized that she had left and was now walking out the door. Usually I am not the one to cop out of opportunities like that, but as the saying goes, I definetely let that one slide right through my fingers. And worst of all, it's not the first time this has happened! As one of the threads on the DJ Bible put it, "I just felt like hitting my head over the steering wheel of my car" for wussing out like that.
However, that instance finally reached my threshold. After that last missed (actually lost more like it) chance, I decided to go on sort of a journey and use this thread as a motivator for my cause. I decided that everytime I step out of my house, I am going to use all the HB chics (and even those not so hot) around me as a tool to get me back in the "game" or as we say here DJ status. My goal is to talk to as many girls as I can and obtain numbers to remind me of the results. Enough with this AFC! It's time for this wus to break out of that shell and put all the threads and the DJ Bible into action. I am going to post all my confrontations so I can recieve some tips and even criticsm regarding my approaches and hopefully accomplish to things out of this...to overcome my intimidation and get back into the game and to help others in this same situation through my experience.
Well, enough typing! It's time for me to get of this chair and start this s**t tonight! Thanks again, and I'll be reporting soon!


Vincent Freeman

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, so I decided to hit up Chili's tonight with some friends for some drinks since it's 2-for-1. After being there for some time I noticed a really cute girl walk in (about a 8.0) and sit down by the bar alone. I waited about 10 min. until she ordered a drink until I went for the kill. Once she got her drink and I noticed she seemed to be alone, I decide to overcome my hesitation and approach her.

Me: You seem lonely, mind if I give you some company?
Her: Sure, my voice is a little gone because I just got over a cold, but yeah, you can stay.
Me: By the way, I am Vincent. What's your name?
Her: Claudia.
Me: So, do you usually come to Chili's by yourself?
Her: (giggles a little) No I am actually waiting for someone.
Me: Oh really, is that person a he or she?
Her:Actually he just walked in.

I must admit, I felt like such a dumb a**. This girl was pretty much waiting for her bf and here I am trying to make an investment in a bad slot machine. After they kissed I didn't know what the heck to say or even do, so I just excused myself and went back to my table. Talk about hummiliation! I mean, even though it went pretty sour, at least it counts as an attempt as oppose to nothing, I guess. I don't know though, I am still having trouble in making that impulse for the 1st approach. I am hoping with more practice, it will hopefully fade away.
I plan on going to the supermarket tomorrow, so hopefully I will have better luck there. If you guys see anything wrong with my approach or have some suggestions of ways to open an approach I would greatly appreciate them. Till my next approach!


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
You did things just perfectly. This is exactly my style! The fearless Prince charming approach! You were respectful and courteous and classy yet had the balls to approach, and were relaxed while doing it. Congrats, you're 90% there, now repeat a few more times and you'll hit gold ;)

She was feeling you, she just happened to have a bf, so what, odds are the next one will be single, so you'll have better luck on the next chick. The humiliation was all in your head, nothing to be embarassed about, if I was there I'd have given you props!