Lesson on Appearance


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
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Appearance=How you look. This includes clothes, hair, but most of all your posture and attitude.

First of all, if a girl doesnt just walk up to you and say your hot, it doesnt mean that you dont look good. You might just not look outstanding, by outstanding i mean standing out. Maybe you have been wearing preppy clothes for a while. Girls are used to seeing you like that, so you just need to kinda change something about you a bit so you look different, yet still look good.

For example take the goth kid in your school, everyone is used to seeing him where goth clothes, and black. He may stand out, but they usually dont look good in a girl's eyes. Anyway, girls expect him to wear that. It is his style. If that guy all of the sudden, changed his mohawk into a stylish hair cut, stopped wearing make up or whatever and started wearing nice abercrombie shirts with bright colors, and started struttin his stuff like a stud, he would look outstanding. Girls would notice him more. He may have been noticed before, but he didnt look outstanding.

See, when you change your style. You get a second look, which gives them a second thought as to what to think about you. But your appearance goes hand in hand with your posture. You could wear a 'hot' outfit, yet walk hunched over with your head down and drag your feet. They might take a second look, but not like what they see cause you look like you have no confidence or your not a social person.

If youve read my whole little article, youde see that i said i wore ghetto stuff that was too big for me and i wasnt confident. i went from XXL ecko, and rocawear stuff to small hollister shirts and 'beat up'(you know the whole ripped style) jeans that actually fit me. Then i just walk around with my head up, shoulders upright, and had a little smooth bounce to my step. My new style went well with my new attitude/posture. Im not saying dont wear ghetto stuff and start dressing preppy, this just worked well with me and girls liked it and thought i was hot :rolleyes: But changing your appearance gets you noticed and gives you a second chance to say "hey, i look good, i feel good, and im happy with myself". Woman can sense this and will respect you for it, so dont ACT, BE confident. So make some changes for the better and see what happens.

If anyone of you ''DJ's'' think im wrong, feel free to correct me. But im speaking from experience.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
I've been through a similar change. I went from ghetto-ish, to decently dressed, to preppy, and now I'm very fond of my dress pants, button ups, dress shoes, fake diamond earrings, short spikey hair...just all around clean cut and stylish. They notice ;)


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
hell yeah they do. chicks were giving me compliments left and right. one even said i was hot which was awesome :rock:. anyway just thought ide share with everyone


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
TheMan425 said:
If anyone of you ''DJ's'' think im wrong, feel free to correct me. But im speaking from experience.
I'm no DJ, but I still think you're wrong, because you're telling people to change to attract women. Screw that. Be exactly who you want to be and the women who are attracted to you will be much more likely to be the women you want.

Take your goth kid example, and let's assume he actually likes the style and isn't just doing it for attention or whatever. If he goes and changes that look and starts wearing Abercrombie and Hollister, sure he might get more attention, but it's going to be from stupid preppy b!tches that he probably couldn't stand anyway. He would probably prefer some little goth chick, and she's not going to give him a second look if he's just another cookie-cutter prep wannabe. So what's the point of getting more atention if it's not coming from the people you want the attention from?

I could probably get laid more if I went out everynight dressed like every other "wish I was a male model" doofus, but that's not what I want. I want the chicks who are going to look at me in my Johnny Cash suit or whatever else it is that I want to wear and say "damn", not the girls who are impressed by my "in-crowd" clown get-up from Hollister.

Being a DJ is about getting women by using what you have and who you are, not just fitting the mold of what you think women want. In other words, don't try to make youself what they want, make them want who you are.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
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Dallas, Texas
I've talked to quite a bit of hot girls and asked them if they liked the preppy look with the short hair and most of them do! Why not dress to impress? I mean, you wouldn't go for a girl that dressed like crap and had terrible looking hair, would you? I believe the same principle applies to "most" girls.

Why make it harder on yourself and not improve your look?

This is what I try and wear most of the time:


And this is what my hair looks like as of today (got a haircut):


And jeans are voted by women as probably the sexiest things a guy can wear on his legs.. I personally like jeans made by Hollister... A little pricey but worth the money.

I mean there are a bunch of other different styles out there, just find one that actually looks good on you.

By the way, if you're wanting to make a change in the way you look and dress, feel free to PM me and I'll help you out!

Friendly Otter

Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
S1NN3R said:
I'm no DJ, but I still think you're wrong, because you're telling people to change to attract women. Screw that. Be exactly who you want to be and the women who are attracted to you will be much more likely to be the women you want.
Sinner, I have to disagree. We aren't born good at much anything besides yelling. From then on we have to work long and hard in every area that we want to master: walking, understanding other people, math, cooking, driving, and so on. Now you're saying that this is not true when it comes to charming women? That this is the one area where you shouldn't work for your success?

I agree with The Man425 that there is a great deal to gain when it comes to taking extra care of how you look, just like there is a great deal to gain from cleaning your bathroom more than the average guy does when you have ladies over. There are good reasons for Why Not "Just Be Yourself"

Every day I'm emailed tons of tips and articles. Every day I read the 200+ new posts in the Don Juan Discussion Forum. Every day I surf the net looking for the latest, greatest relationship info. Every day I read books and magazines about dating, relationships, and women.

I see it all. The basic. The advanced. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Man, do I see a lot of the ugly!

Undoubtedly, the most common tip I see, whether it's in an article written by some famous relationship guru, or a post to a discussion group by some 15-year old freshman... is JUST BE YOURSELF.

If sheer volume were any indication of quality, then this tip would surely be in the Hall of Fame.

Unfortunately, volume is no indication of quality when it comes to relationship advice. In fact, much of the time it's just the opposite. "Just Be Yourself" is the one tip I'll never use.

Sam Gold

Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
I agree to an extent. For me, I let the occasion come natural.

First of all I'm not aware of the latest trends, and what nots, matching colors, but I just wear clothes that look good on me. Secondly, when I do change my style a bit, I am still myself...I just felt like spiking my hair up for a week and wear edgy and funny t-shirts instead of collared shirts. Then back to original straight-preppy and boring style.

Course this only gets me attention(attracting phase), I STILL HAVE TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE AND INITIATE EVERYTHING.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
Friendly Otter said:
Now you're saying that this is not true when it comes to charming women? That this is the one area where you shouldn't work for your success?
I don't know how to describe what I'm trying to say.

I think if you dress well and with attention to detail, no matter what your style, you will attract women. I'm not trying to say that you shold look slovenly. Mainteneance and care for your appearance is one of the number one things that a woman will look for.

If you're a goth boy who likes goth girls, dressing preppy isn't going to attract the type of girl you like, so I wouldn't consider that a success. If you're a country boy who likes country girls, dressing like a soCal boy probably isn't going to get you the best results. If you're whatever kind of guy and you're trying to attract the preppy trendy girls, then by all means do what this tip suggests, but everybody shouldn't just think this is a catch all tip. Dress to impress the particular sub-culture that you are a part of, I guess. I personally don't like the preppy little Hollister b!tches, so I could care less if they like my $250 jeans and brand new shirt that's designed to look like it's 20 years old. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use any of the tips and tricks you find here or elsewhere to improve your game, but as far as dressing is concerned, I think you should always be yourself. Dress your best, not somebody else's best. If the way you dress represents you personality accurately, then the girls attracted to you will more likely be the kind of girls that you want to attract.

I'm just saying that it's about dressing well, not dressing to fit the current fad. A girl who's not attracted to the way I normally dress is not the kind of girl I want to have relations with anyway.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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Okay style

I kind of have this preppy style. Yet, nobody comments on it. How then do I know if my style is good?


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
S1NN3R said:
I don't know how to describe what I'm trying to say.

I think if you dress well and with attention to detail, no matter what your style, you will attract women. I'm not trying to say that you shold look slovenly. Mainteneance and care for your appearance is one of the number one things that a woman will look for.

If you're a goth boy who likes goth girls, dressing preppy isn't going to attract the type of girl you like, so I wouldn't consider that a success. If you're a country boy who likes country girls, dressing like a soCal boy probably isn't going to get you the best results. If you're whatever kind of guy and you're trying to attract the preppy trendy girls, then by all means do what this tip suggests, but everybody shouldn't just think this is a catch all tip. Dress to impress the particular sub-culture that you are a part of, I guess. I personally don't like the preppy little Hollister b!tches, so I could care less if they like my $250 jeans and brand new shirt that's designed to look like it's 20 years old. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use any of the tips and tricks you find here or elsewhere to improve your game, but as far as dressing is concerned, I think you should always be yourself. Dress your best, not somebody else's best. If the way you dress represents you personality accurately, then the girls attracted to you will more likely be the kind of girls that you want to attract.

I'm just saying that it's about dressing well, not dressing to fit the current fad. A girl who's not attracted to the way I normally dress is not the kind of girl I want to have relations with anyway.
you are partly correct in this. yes, girls do consider care for your appearance as one of the number one things. and you will attract girls based on who your trying to attract. I happen to like preppy b!tches, so that is who i was attacting. A ''hollister girl'' isnt going to want to date a goth, and vice versa. Im not saying everyone should go buy Hollister clothes and girls will say/think you are hot. No, see i look like i should be wearing that stuff, and it looked good on ME. But if it suits you, then by all means go for it. Girls never found me attractive when i had ghetto clothes, nor did they comment on anything. Why? Because that didnt go with me, or my personality. So i was totally ignored. When you do the same routine every day, it gets boring. Change it up a bit, be spontanious, unpredictable. You will be noticed and reconsidered, yet dont dress like someone your not, dress who you are and/or want to become. Do what fits YOU.

Try seeing it like this: There is a girl in your class who COULD be attractive, but she dresses like a tom boy. Say she has a pretty face, but no make up, doesnt care about her hair, no heels, no skirts or tight clothes that guys seem to love so much. She never talks and just sits there with her baggy ass boyish clothes. You wouldnt hit that, cause she doesnt look like she cares about her appearance. You know you wouldnt give her a second look or thought. But the next day she wore some tight ass shirt, wore a mini skirt that hugged her ass, put some make up on and did her hair up. Maybe you might not feel comfortable coming up to her and saying "you look hot!", some guys will comment on her new look, but even though you might not say it, youll give her a second look and say wow, she actually doesnt look so bad after all. so this answers crossboss's question, if she doesnt comment on your improved look, she might just not feel comfortable going up saying you look good. but she will think it, if you improve your appearance BASED ON WHO YOU ARE/WANT TO BECOME.

and keep in mind:
Appearance=How you look. This includes clothes, hair, but MOST OF ALL your posture and attitude.
Dont expect to look the part and have a negative attitude, and an insecure or shy posture. Girls like: Confidence, being open, funny, charm, physical look, spontaneous, exciting, and how much balls you have...the list can go on. If you retain these traits AND you improve your clothes, you'll be like a glowing neon sign that says IM HOT AND YOU KNOW IT. Just being yourself just doesnt cut it, which is why you are on this site looking to improve your game with women. once again, dont act like who you want to be, BECOME who you want to be. dressing is only half of your appearance.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
On the topic of appearence, I'd like to ask everybody something. Unfortunately, I inherited the same type of hair as my mother (thick, dark in colour), but it isn't this that causes me a problem. It's more that whenever it's humid outside, my hair totally goes nuts and curls like mad. It's a real piss off, because I can have my hair near-perfect in the morning, but by lunch it's all messed up, curling all over the bloody place. I know that if I keep it short, it won't be so bad, but does anyone know of a certain brand of hair gel that won't come out when I sweat or whatever? I'm probably going to be pretty active this summer, so I it'll become a real problem if I don't tackle it soon. Thanks all.


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
i use "shortsexyhair", its called hard-up and its a blue gel. This stuff is expensive but will hold good and hard for a long time. i get it at my local hair cutting place, and it is the best ive used so far. but you can just work with the way your hair is. if it gets curly, make it look good curly. force your hair a certain way, and it wont cooperate (trust me i know). but hair is still a small fraction of appearance. so work on some of the other stuff i mentioned, dont be so self conscience about little things like i once was.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
IDK WHY!! But I dress like a freeaakkin model, I always wear cloth like i am a celebrity, you know! And everyday i got different style, I look just like a chik magnet and chiks always say WDF!!! They dont even recognize me sometime, couse most High School people wear same ****, but i wear different clothes everyday... That what is good.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
TheMan425 said:
i use "shortsexyhair", its called hard-up and its a blue gel. This stuff is expensive but will hold good and hard for a long time. i get it at my local hair cutting place, and it is the best ive used so far. but you can just work with the way your hair is. if it gets curly, make it look good curly. force your hair a certain way, and it wont cooperate (trust me i know). but hair is still a small fraction of appearance. so work on some of the other stuff i mentioned, dont be so self conscience about little things like i once was.
Alright. Thanks for that. I'll look into some decent gels, but if it becomes too much of a hassle, I'll just learn how to deal with it. Thanks again.


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
no problem mang. that stuff is really strong though, its like glue and will put your hair in almost any position. excellent for sharp hard spikes.

shydude, that is cool that you dress like that. if you dress like a model and wear different stuff every day, they definately must notice you, so how do you know chicks dont notice you? i notice almost everybody walking through the halls and i make eye contact with alot of people, even though it may be brief. chances are they have seen you around. so maybe they are too shy to talk to you, in that case, talk to them! everyone loves attention, guys, girls, and everything in between :) remember that


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
oh yeh, in case your wondering if im talking out of my ass, im not. im only 5'6 130 lbs and this chick ACTUALLY told me i was hot, and i ACTUALLY got compliments from some HOT freakin chicks man, yeah! unfortunately most were taken :( i wanna make this a two pager. yay, look at all the veiws, i guess SOME people care about their appearance :yes: . take my advice and see what happens.

smilies are freakin awesome dude :rockon:


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
shydude said:
IDK WHY!! But I dress like a freeaakkin model, I always wear cloth like i am a celebrity, you know! And everyday i got different style, I look just like a chik magnet and chiks always say WDF!!! They dont even recognize me sometime, couse most High School people wear same ****, but i wear different clothes everyday... That what is good.

This is what I'm talking about. I dress like a model. I have short, stylish hair. I dress like I'm going somewhere fancy EVERY chance I get. The girls love it. No guy I know dresses like I do. To them being 'stylish' is putting on a polo shirt and some faded jeans. The thing is, 'preppy' is getting over done.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
Ah, you have found my weakness. I do not. I will tell you that I tend to wear dress pants, button up long sleeve shirts, and my good old dress shoes. As soon as I get a digi, I will be sure to show you guys what I mean.