Leg Presses + DB Lunges.
Leg Presses + Hack Squats (machine).
DB Lunges + Leg Presses.
Smithy Machine + ___________.
DB lunges are a B I T C H and work the whole leg muscle.
The biggest thing my trainer taught me, who was also a competitor and has trained/lifted for well over 15 years, was variability.
I started 'fresh' doing Circuit training. Then I went to a split plan, doing chest, then back, then legs. I then added an arms day. Cardio has always been 5 days+.
When doing legs, it was never consistent, and I experienced by best growth and improved stamina. Every workout was never easier, from both a weight perspective and from a cardiovascular perspective.
A typical workout would be:
Squats 4 working sets, not including warmups
Leg Press or Walking DB lunges 4 working sets
*Possible Lying Leg Curls, or SLDL 3-4 working sets
Calf Pulses or Seated Calf Raises 4 Working sets
Abs would be thrown in, and no cardio b/c I couldn't walk. I also kept a heart rate monitor wrist watch to make sure I pushed my Heart Rate to my range, 135+. I would average 500-1000 calories burned/session.
The theory behind the lifting during working sets would be to push for lower rep ranges on BIG weights, i.e squats and leg presses, and higher reps on exercises that are not conducive to lower ranges, such as DB lunges, lying leg curls, and sldl's (too much heavy weight is bad for the back and will activate the wrong muscle groups).
What I learned to improve my ability to lift and pack muscle was to never make a specific set about a specific rep range, and each set, and rep, was a "mini challenge" There would never be a set that I would get done and NOT be ready to cry or think of pain, but that's what Arnold emphasized, the "pain". Not mortal or fatal, but GROWTH. It was more MENTAL, than physical.
Because of work and finances, I am friends with the trainer, but cannot train specifically with him at the moment. If I lifted and didn't hit his target, I'd Rest Pause and bang out 3-5 more reps. If I failed, because I knew I failed, I'd do more reps.
I've come to believe that growth in the gym doesn't just come from food, more importantly it comes from the belief that you have to GROW mentally FIRST. You have to go the gym when you don't want to go, or the weather, or friends, or life may tempt you otherwise. You have to PUSH for 1 more rep, within the realm of safety. You have to employ ever-challenging techniques and workouts. YOU HAVE TO SWEAT while lifting. You lift faster during the positive, than you do the negative.
It's not a no-brainer, just some people are born with it, other's have to learn it through trial and failure. If you've always lifted heavy, low-reps, try going high-reps with short down time, and vice versa. The body has likely adapted and won't change as fast it once did, or could.
I don't mean to preach, but I paid a good amount to learn quite a bit. More importantly, the EXPERIENCE of a good trainer is unparalleled. Why? Because you are being introduced to the PROPER reality of HOW to lift. You can't get that from a book, or video. You can't INSERT that into your brain. You have to LIVE it, and only by seeking the proper advice, can you live it. Look at it like being plugged into a Matrix and the trainer is the problem. Because they've done it, you go on auto pilot. Just do what he/she says. And because of that, your mind and body adapt to the proper reality for what you are seeking to achieve.
ALOT of people are do-it-yourselfers, but having the proper reality is the most important factor in reaching one's potential. ALOT of people have a PERCEPTION of what to do, but without a guide to say "this is the reality," people are fumbling around. I think that's what plagues ALOT of people in life in general. They have NO CLUE what the reality of a situation is supposed to be. Once you've achieved a modicum of success, you say "Oh, this is the path, the reality I need to perceive. My IDEA of what it would take was out of line, out of whack." And your mentality GROWS to match that. That's the BENEFIT of paying a person who has WALKED the path you seek to walk.