Im a senior in highschool and i've been going out with a pretty hot chick(HB8) for 2 months now. Everything is good between us and im ****ing her so its pretty great. Only thing is just in the past year have i been working on my appearance and becoming a pick up artist if you will. My gf is the first girl i ever started to game and needless to say it worked out real well. My problem is ill be going to college soon and i want to be able to get any chick i want there cuz there will be SO MANY SINGLE CHICKS, having only really gamed one girl i feel kinda inexperienced. I still flirt with other girls and use kino and it always goes well but oviously im not allowed to get their numbers and ask them on dates. Im considering breaking up with my girlfriend simply so that i can practice all these things i've been learning and try to get as many numbers as i can and actually go on dates and get better at talking with girls i just met. This way come college i will have a lot of experience (and devilish good looks) as opposed to having had just one girlfriend. What do you guys think about this?