and your education secured, or you will end up having nothing but kids, never get to go anywhere or have anything. A man can wait until he's 35 to have kids, a woman until she's 30, and that's if you don't adopt. Believe me, money worries destroy lots of relationships. If you dont build your money making ability in your youth, you will never have anything, period. The P**s can wait. Don't let it destroy you. You will not BELIEVE how bad those teenaged "hotties" will look in 15 years, most of them. Get one who has PROVEN that she won't get fat, become a drunk, etc, by 10 or more years of living like she cares about herself. Better yet, go overseas and get an Asian gal. None of them smoke or drink, and very few are or get fat later. There are millions of lovely women there who are just waiting for you to bring them here. So relax, there is no pressure on you at all, once you realize this in your heart of hearts.