learning to psyche yourself...in


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Ok guys, so we've all been there...

You've spent the time you needed to make yourself look good at the start of the evening (or morning, but i'm using the evening in my example) and you're feeling your usual self; suave, energetic and most of all, confident.

When you get to the party (or class) you were headed to, you can't help but notice that one of the girls has gone out of her way to look drop dead gorgeous today.

Already she is being swamped by drooling AFC's whose necks are sore from staring up at her on her pedestal.

She's looking HOT and she knows it.

Some vague social programming starts to creep back in your head (or should i say, the AFC mindset does).

It's not that you feel any less good looking than you did when you walked out the door, merely that now, you're faced with the daunting task of approaching the very dolled up HB9+.

You fear for a second that you'll be caught up in her good looks if you get close enough to talk to her, and will probably end up talking to her chest and making a bad impression.

Not wanting to have to deal with a babe of her magnitude you may slink away and fall victim to the three second rule, whereas if she was in her ordinary state you wouldn't hesitate to go up and start a conversation with her.

Theoretically this would not happen to the evolved Don Juan because he would naturally be as unfazed talking to a HB9.5 as he would talking to a HB5.

Let's be honest, very few of us here have reached that stage so it's nice to have alternate method of 'getting yourself into the game' when faced with a dazzling beauty.

We've all heard of psyching oneself out, but for those who haven't, it's basically negative self talk that throws you off the path and caused you to be in a losing mindset before anything as happened. A real bummer for your confidence. EX. "That girl looks like a pornstar, what do I have to offer?"

I'm essentially looking for the opposite.

Faced with the above scenario, or one of similar circumstances, how would you go about psyching yourself INTO approaching this babe who has transformed from what you usually see her as. Or, better yet, how would you go about knocking her right off her pedestal and into your outstretched arms so to speak ;).

Some common examples include:

- imagine the girl has a hairy ass
- imagine the girl is your sister
- imagine the girl is a transvestite
- imagine the girl 100lbs heavier etc.

collaborate boys, and lets make up one helluva list that we can all use for the next time we need that little extra to psych ourselves... IN...


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
.........imagine the girl is JoE BoXeR's MOM!

So sorry, I had to say that. I'm only joking.

I don't know if it's just me or what, but I don't find this post/tip useful. DJing a girl that you're picturing as your sister or a transvestite is disturbing and repulsive. Maybe some people find that kinky, but most don't. I would rather undress this HB with my eyes, and use my actions and words to attract this girl. There's nothing wrong with appreciating a girl's beauty (big jugs, voluptious rump, etc.), no matter what "DJ" level they are at.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
.........imagine the girl is JoE BoXeR's MOM
hehe you bastard!

No, I totally agree with you on finding the examples I provided as gross or downright stupid. Then again I didn't invent them and have heard them scattered across this board at one time or another and were the only ones I could think of at the time to illustrate my point.

This post is not meant to be a tip of any sort, that would imply that I'm giving advice. Quite the opposite actually, I'm setting up the post to describe a scenario and ideally have some of the other budding DJ's offer their own personal "tried tested and true" methods.

To re-word my post, I'm looking for "self-talk" type tips on how to knock a girl off the pedestal that you may subconsciously place her on when she has gone out of her way to look hot. Not necessarily tips on how to build yourself up, as I'm getting quite good at that (although with the success of this thread right now, it couldn't hurt) rather what you can do to bring the very hot equal to the level of mediocre looking chicks.... if that makes any sense to ya :confused:


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
Summerdale, AL, USA
Ignoring them tends to work for me.

At the beginning, let her know you see her somehow. Say 'hey,' but dont keep eye contact for any longer than it takes to say the word. Shoot her an obviously fake smile. Say something, do something, but make it look like you're being courteous at the most and let her know that she hasn't earned any of your attention. This is the bait.

Then what? Have fun. At a party? Start up a drinkin' game, tell a funny story, flirt like crazy with another girl... do whatever, but have fun and don't acknowledge the hottie again. Be the center of attention for a little while. Let her think "What the hell? He can't give me the time of day but he just hit on her? I'm lookin good, aren't I?" or "He can't even give me a real smile but he's laughin his ass off with them?"

Keep this up for as long as you can! This gets you looked at and thought about by everyone, not only the hottie. If you get bored, just go to a different room with different people and be the center of their attention for a little while, too. Chances are, before long the hottie you baited will be ready to reel in. Do that however you can... What you've done is got her to forget about all the guys hitting on her and made her think about the one guy who isn't. She gives you the pedestal =)

We all know or have heard that DJ'ing is a numbers game: the more attempts, approaches, or pick-ups you make, the more successes you have. So the best way to use this is not on one girl. Pick 2, 3, or 10 at the party who seem to think they're too good for anyone, bait them, ignore them, and have a blast. You'll likely get a couple of the pedestaled-hotties to step down so you can take that seat. You'll probably also have the girls you didn't bait after you too. Pretend they have hairy asses if you want, but give this a try too. Vary it, fix it, or improve it to fit your personality - good luck.