Yes everyone's on point here in terms of the actual SKILLS you need. Charisma, confidence, communication, etc.. are all important attributes a person needs to be an effective leader. However, you can have all of these and still be a terrible leader. Why? Because you're missing the key ingredient that binds it all together...
One simple word: "TRUST"
Quite simply, leadership is not an individual attribute, but a group dynamic. Think of it this way, you don’t need anyone else to have those other attributes. You don’t need anyone else around to be charismatic, confident or have great communication skills. Try doing it in front of a mirror and you’ll see it’s entirely possible (but very, very sad) However to be an effective “leader”, you need to have someone to “lead.” And for them to follow you and KEEP following you, they have to TRUST you.
So how do you develop trust?
1. Know your sh*t. Quite simple, if those around you KNOW that you know your sh*t, they’ll have more confidence in you and follow your lead more readily.
2. Know your team. Take an interest in them, show them you know them by telling them something profound about them. This also shows that you are not only insightful and observant but care about them as people, again elevating their trust in you.
3. Ensure your actions match your words – probably THE most critical thing, be the man that gets things done. If you are the sort of person whose mouth writes cheques his body can’t cash then learn and live by the following phrase: “UNDER-PROMISE, OVER-DELIVER”
4. Ensure that your team knows YOU trust THEM. (and no DON’T tell them, SHOW them) No-one likes being led by a guy they know doesn’t trust them to do their job. And if you really don’t trust them (and there’s good cause) what the hell are they doing in your team/group anyway?
5. Shut your mouth unless you’ve got something important to say (like a first date). Good leaders don’t need to be affirmed by the sound of their own voice. It forces you to listen more, which people notice, which makes them trust you more. (again, like a first date)
Those of you that have been around a while will recognise all of these concepts as very important in seduction. Which is exactly what leadership is all about; “seducing” people into following you.