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Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
I noticed this girl about 3 weeks ago in my calculus class. She is so close to perfect, smart beautifull, funny, witty, mannered and is a daughter of some french diplomatist. I took me a whole week to take her off the pedestal, only then I was ready.

I approached her after class. We have lunch after calculus, so I casually suggested going for a cup of coffee. None of her friends were there(thank god) and we went to some coffe shop. After 10 minutes of fluff talk, I found out that she really liked france, but hated living in Paris and generally in big cities, likes skiing and mountain climbing and is tired of guys wanting her just for a fvck.

By this time I had good eye contact and some minimal kino going. With all the info she's given to me I started eliciting walues, and talking about how I hated big cities too, "how nice it would be to IMAGINE the clear air of the mountains, The rush and EXCITEMNT YOU'RE FEELING, the speed, the white snow and the two of US GOING DOWN the mountain together..." Then the standard patterns about " the incredible connection we have, and how SHE FEELS US GROWING TOGETHER CLOSER AND CLOSER, and how it doesnt happen too often with people and it MUST BE VERY SPECIAL(pointing at myself) to FEEL A CONNECTION LIKE THIS. That sometimes people are afraid of this connection, they KNOW THAT WHAT THEY WANT IS RIGHT, but MAY(may-failed possibility) resist it at first but later always accept it. I value people who SEE THE OPPORTUNITY and DONT LET IT PASS. That those people have to JUST SURRENDER to their natural urges and START THE EXCITING RIDE."

after finishing my NLP monologue, she mirrored my body language, giving me those "fvck me" eyes and I was kinoing her almost sexually, any more and it would've been too much for a public place. Then I took her hand and started telling how she will EXPERIENCE HER FIRST LOVE soon and basically ensured her subconsciously that I'm not just looking for a fvck.

Then I ended it(always be closing), said that I had to see professor for some reason, then looked her in the eye and leaned forward a bit going for the kiss. She leaned forward too and tried to kiss me, but I but a finger in between. "Sorry, I cannot do it this fast. Its just not right. We need to get to know each other a bit better" She's totally shocked, so I give her a peck on the cheek(my little AFC act). She automatically wrote me her 3 numbers(home, car, and cell) and asked me for mine. lol The only concern I had, that I had to initiate all kino and she was did not reciprocate with kino. She had a bf in france, but he did not write to her often enough, so I flamed him for it and he lost all the value in her eyes.

I could have talked more, but I decided to leave her wanting more.

Then there was a line of tests and we had absollutely no time to see each other. I was getting afraid that she'll lose momentum, but no. I made sure that I dont notice her half the time I see her, and that she sees me flirting with other girls. After this, her IL just skyrocketed. It was really hard not to laugh cause every time I was in the radius of visibility, she locked eye contact with me, turned her body around and was like that till I left.

We had 2 exams left, each every day. I asked her to come to my place to study: "we can prepare together" and she refuses. Trying to make up some bs excuse, she says she's tired, she promised to go somewhere with her friends. Blah blah... tired+friends, right. This has really confused me, so I just said ok and left. As I see it right now, she just got nervous and anti-slut defence kicked in.

I called her the day after the exams wanting to ask her to a bar near me, so I can get her to my place after that. I tell her that I'll be coming from such and such place. She'll pick me up. I clean up my place and put some props in place. condoms - check, wine - check, music - check. You're in my world.

We are driving to the bar, she is into me, but is nervous. Good manners tell her that evrerything is going too fast. I kino her, she's getting used to it, but still nervous. I decide to do some fluff talk to get her relaxed. She mentions that her parents had to leave to france and the penthouse will be parent free for the weekend and she planned to stay there. OKAY I start telling about how I like penthouses and ask if she can show me hers. I sence inner struggle: Anti-slut defence vs wanting a fvck. To defuse it, I tell her that I have to be home by 8 today to so some stuff. Anti-slut is defeated and we turn around and head for the penthouse.

We come in, she shows me around the house. Its not yet completed. The third floor and the pool are being finished. Who the hell cares??? She asks me what i'd like to drink. Wine. We play russian drinking game where you drink with cross-croseed arms and then are allowed to touch each other for 1 minute after that. I tongue her down and then ask: "do you like me??"-mainac's approach. Yes, she likes me. Who wouldn't???

I take off her shirt, grab her arse, take off the skirt. When I go for the pvssy, she's already turned on, but freaks out. Tells me that she's never done it this fast, that its wrong, her parents will kill her if we're found out. I tell her that I dont want just sex and turn it aroud(maniac's technigue again), so now she's guilty of comparing me to a low-life who just wants sex. I say that I'm not like that, that I though I am here because we have this spectial thing going between us and I've never felt this way to anyone before(which is true). She finally gives up, all how and ready.... In the middle of the show I stopped and told her that I am the kind of person that needs permanency and if we do it this time, we'll do it many more times. Got her committed

It was a lot of fun. I think on that weekend we tried every pose in Kama-Sutra..... too bad I didnt take my camera.

Any constructive comments are welcome.

_-=/Comrade Vronski\=-_

[This message has been edited by Vronski (edited 11-29-2002).]


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2001
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
Sounds good, don't tell the world though

Comment: a Gentleman enjoys, but keeps his silence.

Tryin to Grow a Chin

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score
I'm impressed. I'm not jealous, just awed! Great job!

"Ben Affleck is not a homosexual; he just plays one in the bathhouse."


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
a Gentleman enjoys, but keeps his silence.
If everyone behaved that way, I would still be an afc.

_-=/Comrade Vronski\=-_


Senior Don Juan
Jul 30, 2002
Reaction score
United Kingdom
That was excellent, man, really.

my favourite part is the anti-slut defense defusal - 'have to be home by 8 to do some stuff' - very good thinking on your feet.



Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY, USA
Just wondering, when you pattern does it come naturally, or are you thinking befor the date of possible patterns you will use? Do you ever come up with patterns off the top of your head?

MOD - Juan

The DJ Bible ~or~ The High School Don Juan Bible

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"On any given Sunday you're either gonna win or you're gonna lose. The point is - can you win or lose like a man?" - Al Pachino
"... Any man's finest hour - his greatest fufillment to all he holds dear - is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious." - Vince Lombardi


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lorenzo:
Just wondering, when you pattern does it come naturally, or are you thinking befor the date of possible patterns you will use? Do you ever come up with patterns off the top of your head?
The patterns are pretty much the same for every girl. They all want a feeling of connection, excitement and passion. When I started out with NLP I just wrote several essays as to how wonderful it feels, made a list of all weasel phrases and translations from one topic to another. Then tried to make a convo with a girl in my head and try to make it smooth.

I though my first time was a failure. I was too nervous, the girl even asked if I was feeling ok. lol But she was still into me a week later, so you just have to experiment with this. Eventually you get to the point when YOU ARE CAPABLE OF DOING THIS ON YOUR OWN and ALLOW THE CONVO TO FLOW SMOOTH.

_-=/Comrade Vronski\=-_


Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2000
Reaction score
Good post. Curious though, how did you get the convo to segueway from fluff talk into relationships and her feelings about her boyfriend? Seriously, I can never get beyond "So what kind of classes are you taking--how long have you been going here, etc."


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by krd:
Good post. Curious though, how did you get the convo to segueway from fluff talk into relationships and her feelings about her boyfriend? Seriously, I can never get beyond "So what kind of classes are you taking--how long have you been going here, etc."
I mirror her body language all the time during fluff talk and make 'me too' statements. So that she feels that we're very much alike. Then I when I asked her what she liked to do for fun, she mentions her bf. I ask: "what's he like???"

She: "he's in france right now, likes biking and studies at such-n-such uni blah blah"
Me: "seems like a nice guy to be with, do you think it may be(may=destroyer pattern, the statement after is assumed to be false subconsciously) its really serious??"
Her: First I thought it was. The relationship was fun and exciting, but he doesnt really cares about me. He hardly even writes.
Me: oh, that's horrible. If he doesn't write, it just shows that HE DOESNT REALLY CARES ABOUT YOU. Its so sad. Such people cant appreciate good things, and just use you after you do something good. I leatned to GET RID OF PEOPLE LIKE HIM. THESE ARE THE WORST TYPES IMAGINABLE. THEY SMILE AND PLAY YOU, AND HAVE ANOTHER LOVER BEHIND YOUR BACK. I prefer just to SEND THEM A LETTER AND TELL THEM THAT ITS OVER. Tell them that YOU CAN GET PEOPLE WHO CAN GIVE AND TAKE AND WILL MAKE YOU FEEL GREAT INSIDE(pointing at myself).

By this time, she's melted and can talk about anything.

_-=/Comrade Vronski\=-_

[This message has been edited by Vronski (edited 11-03-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score

Actually I've posted this about a month ago, and it just have been moved to the NLP forum. Take it apart

_-=/Comrade Vronski\=-_


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2002
Reaction score
Was the NLP conversation you had with her, the first time you talked to her? Or had you built rapport with her earlier in the quarter?


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ricardo:
Was the NLP conversation you had with her, the first time you talked to her? Or had you built rapport with her earlier in the quarter?
First time


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
some reason it sounds so fake and unrealistic. i just read a book called "instant rapport" and it was on NLP and different techniques to gain instant rapport. amazingly what you did in this post was almost exactly what the guy was talking about!

do you have an aim sn i can talk to you on? i dont really like talkin thru the board...takes too long...
