Jesse Pinkman
Master Don Juan
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Might as well post this on here as opposed to a dedicated thread on it (that is in the cards though). In over a year of living in Miami and interacting with different nationalities, this is what I have noticed. Get ready to be offended world.
Russian women are by far the most overrated women on the planet.
I mean I do not know who the h3ck hyped these broads up but man, everywhere in the US I have been, I have not found any other group of women to be more clout chasing, icy, rude, gold digging, hypergamous, scheming, and flat out crooked. I legitimately do not get the hype about Russian girls whatsoever. Whatever traits they have about Anglo women, I find that Russian women up the ante on that. Truly the worst personality of out of any other nationality I have encountered.
Latinas are also mostly overrated.
Dudes overrate them but I find that a large portion of them are fat and very demanding. If you take her out on a date, you better pay everytime. I cannot stand most of them and find that the culture pushes you to be a white knight and pander to women. Unless she has shown that she is independent and can fend for herself, I am not the biggest fan of them. Most of Latin men are also more p-ssy whipped than they led on.
Puerto Rican, Mexican and Dominican women are cool. Cuban women can occasionally be cool. Good looking Central American women, Colombian, and Venezuelan women are the most demanding and also the most overrated. I never got the hype about Latinas. They might look good to some but they have a ton of toxic personality traits, are as self-righteous as they come, and cling to the feminism/religious Catholic girl act in a heartbeat.
Women from the Balkans are like Russian girls without the brains.
Romanian women are like a trailer park version of Russian women. Usually quite dumb and always hungry for attention. All I have known were trying to be Instagram THOTs and the worst ones are the ones that spend long enough time in the west. Always chasing clout on IG and it is like they are more brash yet more stupid version of Russian women. Serbian women are more educated but not as much experience there.
Polish, Ukrainian, Czech, Lithuanian, and Belarusian women have been solid.
Good looking, cool, and a lot of good experiences with them. I have mostly had good experiences here and found them to be approachable. Most are worldly, educated, and cool. I don't have much complaints here.
British women had a moment when they were decent but are largely trash now.
At some point, it was a short span, British women had a moment when they were alright as tourists. However, I think as soon as some singers came from there and they noticed a tiny bit of clout, they went crazy. Major prudes but polite compared to American women.
Italian women are also overhyped.
I do not get the hype about them either. Most I have seen have hairy arms and very plain flabby bodies. Only incel dudes and Alt Right losers worship them because they think they get a white(ish) woman with Right Wing views but most younger Italian women are pro-woke and super into popular culture. I also find them to be quite insecure about their appearance.
Spaniard women are Latina entitlement mixed in with Anglo girl self-righteousness.
Do not get the hype about them either. Most women I have known from Spain have been rude, condescending, and have that Anglo girl feminist self-righteous vibe mixed in with the Latina entitlement. Of the Mediterranean, I think that they are the absolute worst. I've heard horror stories about the feminist movement in Spain and how much control it has on the culture. Most I have met were low quality.
French women are a mess.
After Russian women, I'd say French women are some of the worst on the planet. Rude, demanding, judgmental, clout chasing, and fake. French women have been some of the fakest women I have met in my life. On top of this, I have noticed that French women smoke a lot, have a drug habit, and are often party animals looking to break out of their shells but are rude at the clubs. I have not seen any of the hype about them and French dudes are haters to the extreme. Never met a more jealous group of men in my life.
North American women start to not be so bad once you have interacted with enough Euro and South American women.
I will confess that my experiences are all with foreign women that visit the US or moved here in adulthood/late teens. However, I have seen American culture completely poison foreign women to a greater extent than it ever could your typical Anglo white girl. IMO, white women know how to handle being privileged and having an easy life so they don't turn into as massive b1tches as some foreign girl that moved to the US.
IMO, the countries with the worst women in terms of behavior and toxic traits are: Russia, France, Spain, Italy, and Romania.
Russian women are by far the most overrated women on the planet.
I mean I do not know who the h3ck hyped these broads up but man, everywhere in the US I have been, I have not found any other group of women to be more clout chasing, icy, rude, gold digging, hypergamous, scheming, and flat out crooked. I legitimately do not get the hype about Russian girls whatsoever. Whatever traits they have about Anglo women, I find that Russian women up the ante on that. Truly the worst personality of out of any other nationality I have encountered.
Latinas are also mostly overrated.
Dudes overrate them but I find that a large portion of them are fat and very demanding. If you take her out on a date, you better pay everytime. I cannot stand most of them and find that the culture pushes you to be a white knight and pander to women. Unless she has shown that she is independent and can fend for herself, I am not the biggest fan of them. Most of Latin men are also more p-ssy whipped than they led on.
Puerto Rican, Mexican and Dominican women are cool. Cuban women can occasionally be cool. Good looking Central American women, Colombian, and Venezuelan women are the most demanding and also the most overrated. I never got the hype about Latinas. They might look good to some but they have a ton of toxic personality traits, are as self-righteous as they come, and cling to the feminism/religious Catholic girl act in a heartbeat.
Women from the Balkans are like Russian girls without the brains.
Romanian women are like a trailer park version of Russian women. Usually quite dumb and always hungry for attention. All I have known were trying to be Instagram THOTs and the worst ones are the ones that spend long enough time in the west. Always chasing clout on IG and it is like they are more brash yet more stupid version of Russian women. Serbian women are more educated but not as much experience there.
Polish, Ukrainian, Czech, Lithuanian, and Belarusian women have been solid.
Good looking, cool, and a lot of good experiences with them. I have mostly had good experiences here and found them to be approachable. Most are worldly, educated, and cool. I don't have much complaints here.
British women had a moment when they were decent but are largely trash now.
At some point, it was a short span, British women had a moment when they were alright as tourists. However, I think as soon as some singers came from there and they noticed a tiny bit of clout, they went crazy. Major prudes but polite compared to American women.
Italian women are also overhyped.
I do not get the hype about them either. Most I have seen have hairy arms and very plain flabby bodies. Only incel dudes and Alt Right losers worship them because they think they get a white(ish) woman with Right Wing views but most younger Italian women are pro-woke and super into popular culture. I also find them to be quite insecure about their appearance.
Spaniard women are Latina entitlement mixed in with Anglo girl self-righteousness.
Do not get the hype about them either. Most women I have known from Spain have been rude, condescending, and have that Anglo girl feminist self-righteous vibe mixed in with the Latina entitlement. Of the Mediterranean, I think that they are the absolute worst. I've heard horror stories about the feminist movement in Spain and how much control it has on the culture. Most I have met were low quality.
French women are a mess.
After Russian women, I'd say French women are some of the worst on the planet. Rude, demanding, judgmental, clout chasing, and fake. French women have been some of the fakest women I have met in my life. On top of this, I have noticed that French women smoke a lot, have a drug habit, and are often party animals looking to break out of their shells but are rude at the clubs. I have not seen any of the hype about them and French dudes are haters to the extreme. Never met a more jealous group of men in my life.
North American women start to not be so bad once you have interacted with enough Euro and South American women.
I will confess that my experiences are all with foreign women that visit the US or moved here in adulthood/late teens. However, I have seen American culture completely poison foreign women to a greater extent than it ever could your typical Anglo white girl. IMO, white women know how to handle being privileged and having an easy life so they don't turn into as massive b1tches as some foreign girl that moved to the US.
IMO, the countries with the worst women in terms of behavior and toxic traits are: Russia, France, Spain, Italy, and Romania.