Two language stories from last night.
I hung briefly with "dookie" last night -- that motherfvcker knows how to DRESS, people; he should write some tips. (EDIT: Dook, if you're reading this, that's a HINT, bro.) We were talking about the language thing, and something came up that I think I should share.
One of my most effective pick-ups is to take a fake phone call (make sure your phone is on silent ring when you do this) in another language -- say, Russian -- when I'm sitting with my back to a girl.
If that doesn't get her attention, I'll take another "call" a few minutes later, but this one in, say, French. (Or even English would work, just so that she knows you speak another language.)
Usually at that point, I've got her undivided attention.
This only works in a situation where there aren't many people around; she has to be able to hear you, and you can't make it sound obvious. Starbuck's on a slow afternoon is good for this.
Tale two: there was a guy at a bar last night who was telling a table full of girls that he was Russian, speaking in badly fractured English and an awesome accent -- girls LOVE accents, BTW -- and he had them in the palm of his hand.
Seeing an in, I went up to him and started up a conversation in Russian, and it turned out he was a fake. He quickly copped to it but he did so under his breath to me, leaning close so it looked like he was trying to be heard. Fortunately, the club was loud enough that the girls didn't hear. I didn't blow it for him; he had a good thing going, and the girls were impressed that I spoke Russian. It was an easy in, and we both benefitted. In return for not busting him, he invited me to sit down, and I had a table full of girls to hang with -- and a wingman for the night.