Ladies: What Do You Want?


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
DreamyChick said:
I want a guy that makes me laugh. I want a guy who enjoys insightful discussions. I want a guy who can be romantic but not overly needy. I want a guy who will share himself with me goals dreams, wants needs, but I want a guy that will not be afraid to argue with me. I want a guy who can be serious when the situation deems it. I want a guy who will encourage me to be the best i can be and vice versa. I want a connection and emotional investment. But my answer is a guy has to balance these things
*shakes head* one word..... CORNY!! ;)

You know as well as I know that a guy can be all those things, but if a girl don't feel sexual attraction for him, then NONE of those things matter. Well, in most situations anyway.

I think this question is better worded as: "What, besides looks, makes you want in a guy's pants?" Basically, how does a guy have to act within the first few minutes he meets you and over the first couple of dates to drive you crazy (in a good way)?

DreamyChick said:
and be able to read my mind :) LOL
I wouldn't wish for that, honey. For I do believe that the day a man is able to perfectly read a woman's mind is the day the world will end in a blaze of fire, darkness, and other unpleasant things.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The dude is gaming Penkittens and the rest of the ladies in