I was talking to 2 on my chick friends the other day in a pub. Everyone was quite drunk, so there were more fun and interesting conversations.
Anyway, I asked one what her ideal type of man was, the answer:
Really Tall, muscular, golden medium length hair, has to be able to make the girl laugh, has to have balls, bold, confident.
(she was basically describing me to myself)
Sounds about right? None of this "He has to shower me with attention, cherish me, console me crap.
We talked about another guy we knew and she was like "He's gorgeous and I love him, but HE NEEDs TO GROW SOME BALLS, he's such a b1tch!" I thought this was funny.
So it seems girls do have an idea of who they want, yet maybe it takes a few drinks to find out
Also, I ended up giving one of the girls advice on how to get a man to fall for her lol. It was the whole hot and cold, push pull idea, and she said she would use it.