

Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
Hey fellas, seems like I need some help with a situation. I'm sure I told you all about kryptonite before. She's the one girl that continues to get under my skin, steals away my DJ powers and all that. Anyway, in the last week I hooked up with one girl that I had been pursueing for about 2 weeks, a russian x-figure skater. We wound up shagging all night last saturday. On Tuesday, my little blonde MILF showed up, we hooked up, it's all good. There's plenty more in the pipeline however there's a problem.

You see, I can't seem to stay away from Kryptonite. When I stay away she finds me, when she stays away, I somehow find her. Last Thursday we met at happy hour, hung out all night, wound up at my place and spent most of the night trying to not hook up. The thing is, we are both attracted to each other, although we both know the other is not right for them. I know, although I hook up with other chicks, it's sort of empty. Ever since I've known her all the other girls have been, "just going through the motions". One day, she told me something interesting, all the guys she has been with, she's been with them because she feels nothing for them. I know what she means. As a side note, we did hook up for a bit earlier this year, although it didn't work out.

So, I've been trying to get rid of her for a while. Not calling, not emailing. Unfortunately, we run in the same circles, so that just didn't work. On the other hand, it's not like I sit at home and wait for her to come around. I have plenty of other women, most of them are really into me. I go out and DJ plenty of other women, my results are pretty decent. The last time I felt about a women like Kryptonite, I just went out DJ'd a bunch of other chicks, and the feelings went away. It's not working this time.

So fellas, have you been in the same situation? Do you have any ideas?


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
She's not kryptonite, she is oneitis.

It's one of the saddest things to see a man allow another person to have so much power over him and his happiness. Recognizing this is important.

We've all been there and the only way out is to stand up, be a man, and believe that YOU are the most important thing in your life. Not her.

Stop giving away your power and you may be surprised at what happens.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
Slickster, you are so right.


You are so right. Although I have a follow up question. How do you ever really meet someone to be with if you don't risk oneitis. I mean, isn't that the point, at some point. Finding one cool chick to chill with. I mean, shagging a bunch of girls is great, having a bunch of women to hang out with is great as well, but I know at some point I want one, just one. And so oneitis is a risk.

Let me know what you all think.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hey Homey!

What I have found to be true in most successful relationships is the requirement of uncertainty.

If two people become so certain that they will ALWAYS be together that is when problems arise. One or the other person becomes complacent and the relationship begins to suffer due to lack of effort, indifference, etc.

I've never been married so I can't speak of that but I've been in many LTR's. It keeps your woman on her toes when she sees you openly conversing with other attractive women. She realizes that you are capable of attracting other women and she better be treating you right or you'll be down the road. Now some women won't take too kindly to their boyfriend or partner chatting up other women. The way I've found to get around this obstacle is to be overly friendly and talkative to everyone. Not just women. It becomes part of your personality and she learns to accept it early on in the relationship.

Oneitis is a killer man. It saps you of your identity and puts your own well being in someone elses hands. Whether its your girlfriend or your wife its bad news.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by School
If she is your Kryptonite, why the he11 you trying to stay away from her??
Because when you play with Kryptonite bad things happen. We were chillin yesterday and she told me

"we should stay friends, I would cheat on you, how can you not see that when I wind up in your bed and I'm seeing that guy"

Now let me add, she is just as much a "player" as I am so there you go.

Little more background on this girl. She just got thin about a year ago, noticed guys got stupid around her when she got thin, and started working them. All the other dudes buy her gifts, pay for everything, etc... She hangs out with me because I don't tell her how hot she is, don't pay for ****, and basically treat her like anyone else around me. I do pick on her a bit more than some of my other friends though.

Regardless, she is bad news for me and as any good super hero knows, stay away from Kryptonite.


Mister Big

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by sexual_intellectual
Break off all contact with her, say goodbye and then never engage her in conversation when you see across her, if she does, politely brush her off and get out of her space. There's no point in prolonging the agony ;)
Cold turkey is the only way in these situations. We all have our addictions and this chick is yours. You will become a burned out junkie when you get your fix of her. Everything else in your life suffers and you'll need to go through cycles of emotional withdraw just to function.

When I separated, I never looked back and avoided being pulled in by the tractor beam. I am much happier and look forward to the possibilities in the various aspects of my life without her in my future.
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