Espi, Your PM's are full. So, if you see this, this is my response..
Hey Krueg how much are you eating now? If you haven't already, take an inventory of total daily caloric intake. I would aim for 15 calories per lb. Of your current bodyweight...1 gram per lb protein of your current BW...and 2 grams carbs per lb/BW. Food should be nutrient dense with lots of complex carbs and starches. But don't afraid to hit the fast food places over the weekend.
Definitely add in the incline bench but keep the flat bench. Use BB and DB variations.
I would also focus on lowering the reps and increasing the weight, since you want to add size.
Espi, Thanks for the response.
I look at labels but, don't really know how to count them, its something I should probably learn to do. I eat 3 main courses. Breakfest, lunch and dinner. I'll have small meals and snacks in-between and kind of a bigger snack before bed so, I eat 4-6 meals a day. Along with whey protein drinks. I think I should start buying mass gainer supplements from now on.
I try to mainly eat healthy (fruits, vegies, meat ect.) but, at the same time I'm not worried about my bodyfat, I can loose that later! So, yes I'll eat fast food, cake, ice cream or cookies for desert.
This morning before I went to the gym I had two eggs scrambled, 1 peice of toast and a bowl of corn flakes. After workout I had a glass of whole milk, I just ran out of Whey protein.
I will keep the flat bench but, just thinking about adding incline as well for overall chest development. I didnt do any incline today cause I kicked my own ass doing flat bench and didnt have the energy for incline. I failed on the last set and rep and had to roll the bar off my body cause I didnt have a spotter..
Personally, I like the 5x5 rep scheme with two warm-up sets and 3 stabilizing sets. I added 5lbs to each lift from last week and plan on doing so until I reach a wall. Example,
Last week:
Back Squat
Back Squat
I'll aim to add incline next time depending how I feel after regular bench.
(Will post todays stats later)