Krav Maga


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Ok Speakeasy

yes this is true noone knew about it. Its also true that Royce gracie took on guys that outweighed him by 100 pounds. It is also true that he was undefeated in the first 5 UFC's. It is also true that he won many fights without landing a strike.

Matt hughes is a division 1 wrestler who has trained jiu-jitsu. His jiu-jitsu is at black belt level and at the time was the most dominant fighter in the UFC. Royce was also approaching 40. The UFC today is not what it used to be. Back in the day it was style vs style and jiu-jitsu proved it was the best. Now its MMA these guys know every discipline and the 4 best disciplines are Bjj, Wrestling, Boxing, muythai. Lets see a 40 year old Krav maga master step in with matt hughes he would be put in a stretcher.

No art is effective against multiple attackers. I do agree that boxing and Muythai are better for multiple attackers than bjj. But for a one on one fight bjj rains supreme.

Were are the tapes to prove how effective km is?

I am seriously considering walking into a km school and sparring with some of there guys? Will they at least spar with me? Or is the art to deadly for me? And another thing what type of sparring do you guys do? your art is so deadly that you obviously can't kick to the groin or take out someones eye in training. How do you expect for something to work in a real fight when you can't even do it in training?

lol I doubt a bjj guy will get knocked out any quicker than a KM guy. Go to a local bjj school. They will gladly spar with you anytime to prove there style. The gracies are notorious for making gym challenges to people from other marial arts. What about the KM guys? Will they challenge anyone or will they practice in theory?

Say what you want but brazilian jiu-jitsu was the only art that challenged all the other martial arts. If it wasn't for the gracies you would be a TKD blackbelt with flashy kicks that would get his ass kicked against the neighborhood bully. I think you need to show some respect to the art that brought every art on the map including krav maga.

Any krav maga fighters in the UFC?


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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lookyoung said:
Ok Speakeasy

yes this is true noone knew about it. Its also true that Royce gracie took on guys that outweighed him by 100 pounds. It is also true that he was undefeated in the first 5 UFC's. It is also true that he won many fights without landing a strike.
You aren't in any way arguing against my point. I'll say it once again, IF A BJJ GUY TODAY GOES INTO THE OCTAGON *ONLY* KNOWING BJJ, HE'S GOING TO GET HIS ASS HANDED TO HIM. The BJJ-only guys like Gracie(who I have a great deal of respect for) took the UFC by storm because nobody was familiar with it or expecting it. But now that everyone has caught up, BJJ is ONLY one component of what makes a well-rounded fighter. If you could transport Chuck Lidell back to the early 90s and make him fight Gracie, Chuck would've knocked him out in one minute, because Chuck knows how to stay off the ground. And you guys that worship BJJ need to acknowledge the truth, if you cannot get your opponent to the ground, BJJ is useless. Now that everybody knows about BJJ, people in other arts, (including Krav Maga) train in takedown defense. So if all you know is BJJ, you better hope that:
1) your opponent has no friends around otherwise you're going to get stomped in the head.
2) your opponent knows nothing about defending take downs. If you can't take your opponent down, then even a so-so boxer is going to knock your ass out quick.

Matt hughes is a division 1 wrestler who has trained jiu-jitsu. His jiu-jitsu is at black belt level and at the time was the most dominant fighter in the UFC. Royce was also approaching 40. The UFC today is not what it used to be. Back in the day it was style vs style and jiu-jitsu proved it was the best.
That's because nobody was prepared for it. That's not the case anymore. Everyone knows what to look out for these days. A fighter must be trained in all 3 areas of fighting to last now. Groundgame(sambo or BJJ), striking(boxing and/or Muay Thai) and the clinch(Judo).

Now its MMA these guys know every discipline and the 4 best disciplines are Bjj, Wrestling, Boxing, muythai. Lets see a 40 year old Krav maga master step in with matt hughes he would be put in a stretcher.
Look dumbass, how many times do I have to repeat that Krav Maga is essentially a combination of ALL of these systems tought into one! Do you guys not hear what the fvck I'm saying? I'm sick of repeating myself. There's nothing "new" that Krav Maga brings to the table other than things like gun, knife, and self-defense escape moves. Everything else is simply a combination of Boxing, Muay Thai, BJJ and Judo. So if you're dissing KM, you're basically dissing those 4 systems because the moves of KM are derived from them. In the ring, obviously you're not going to need the self defense stuff because nobody is going to stick a knife in front of your face in the octagon, but the strikes, take downs and ground game are drawn from already existing systems. So I don't understand what the basis of your antipathy towards KM is. KM is all about learning the most effective techniques from other systems to end a fight quickly, for people who don't want to be bothered with the katas and forms and ceremony of traditional styles. Krav Maga(or something similiar like MCMAP) is basically the de-facto style taught to military, police, air marshalls, counter-riot squads, etc. Tell me why the Israeli military(which pound for pound are the toughest motherf*ckers in the world) are using KM rather than BJJ??? Please explain. My KM school also has an entire divisions just for training the police department and other law enforcement agencies. Why do the cops turn to KM to learn self defense on the streets rather than boxing or BJJ??? Please explain. These cops and military, they ain't in a fvcking ring with rules, and mouth guards and gloves, and limitations on what body parts you can strike. They live in a world where anything can happen, at any moment, and there's no rules. Where your opponents aren't looking to simply whip your ass but looking to kill you. But I'm supposed to believe you guys know what would work better patrolling the alleyways of the Gaza Strip than the Israeli military?? Don't make me laugh.

No art is effective against multiple attackers.
Not true at all, I've known martial artists who have beat down more than once opponent at the same time. And it depends on how many attackers. Most people at the advance level of a striking art should be able to defeat 2 attackers of similiar size at once. 3 is pushing it, 4 or more I highly doubt it, even if you are Mike Tyson in his prime.

I do agree that boxing and Muythai are better for multiple attackers than bjj.
If you are fighting multiple attackers, you CANNOT go the ground. That is the first thing they tell at KM class, do not even think about going to the ground if you have multiple attackers. We frequently have drills involving multiple attackers. We gear up with go at it with 2 and our technique is what we call "stacking". We work on manuevering so that you are always in a straight line with the 2 attacks. If one attacker is right in front of you and his friend come up on the side, arc around so that you are all in a straight line, that's how you do your footwork, that way, the second attacker finds that he needs to keep getting around the first attacker. Then you strike and strike hard, using boxing, muay thai kicks to the knee, groin. If the other guys arcs around to approach you from the side, maneuver yourself again to "stack" them. The method with 3 opponents is the same but obvious much, much harder. The multiple attacker drills we get are very important, because in a barfight scenario, you can be guaranteed your opponent will have friends helping him out and you need to have your footwork and manuevering together.

Were are the tapes to prove how effective km is?

Go ask some Palestinian attackers in Gaza how effective it is.
I am seriously considering walking into a km school and sparring with some of there guys? Will they at least spar with me? Or is the art to deadly for me? And another thing what type of sparring do you guys do? your art is so deadly that you obviously can't kick to the groin or take out someones eye in training. How do you expect for something to work in a real fight when you can't even do it in training?
Nobody said that the techniques taught in the U.S. are "deadly". We've said that the MILITARY version of Krav taught in Israel teaches killing techniques. They don't teach that to civilians and I don't even think it's legal in the U.S. for a martial arts school to teach civilians how to kill. I don't know where you guys get your impressions of Krav Maga, but it is like any other MMA school really. At least mine is, and I train at the official training center in Los Angeles so it's about as real deal as you can get for civilian krav. We even have MMA fight clubs where we spar hard. As for what it's like, the sparring is IDENTICAL to sparring you'd see in any MMA school. 2 guys wearing headgear, shinguards, mouthpiece and gloves squared off in boxing stance, trading punches and kicks, with some take downs as well. If you think you're going to walk in and find a bunch of dudes who sceam "no!" and kick you in the nuts and run away, you've got something coming to you.

Say what you want but brazilian jiu-jitsu was the only art that challenged all the other martial arts. If it wasn't for the gracies you would be a TKD blackbelt with flashy kicks that would get his ass kicked against the neighborhood bully. I think you need to show some respect to the art that brought every art on the map including krav maga.
You seem to think I'm disrespecting BJJ. If you search my posting history on other martial arts threads, you'll see that I have a great deal of respect for BJJ and think everybody needs to incorporate either that, or Sambo or wrestling into their game to be a complete fighter.

Any krav maga fighters in the UFC?
I don't know about the UFC, but there are Krav people who fight in the ring. This is one our KM instructors, the guy in red shorts and shaved head. He won the fight. He's new on the scene of competitive fighting and so far his record is 2 wins 1 loss. As you can see, a KM guy fights in the ring in a way that's pretty much indistinguishable from any MMA guy. Except the KM guy would know what to do if his opponent in the ring pulled out a knife.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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Yes your right if a bjj guy goes in only knowing bjj than he will lose. Every fighter in the octagon trains in bjj now because if you don't you will lose period. Chuck lidell is a purple belt in bjj.

You idiot there is a self defense aspect of bjj. We do have take downs and clinch work. Did you see royce gracie head butt kimo. Did you see Royce gracie pull kimos hair. We have defensed for punches and someone sneaking up from behind you and taking your back, headlock escapes. Gracie jiu-jitsu goes through all these scenarios. We seperate sport jiu-jitsu from self defense jiu-jitsu.

There are some arts that are better than bjj for multiple opponents. There is no doubt about that. One on One streetfight bjj is king if your only going to practice one style. Everything in krav maga seems to be watered down. Have you ever had a gun pulled on you? I have its probably not the best time to pull a krav maga stunt.

Krav maga is watered down in the 4 disciplines need for mma. They dabble in things but they are not a master of one. As far as the police and army they train in bjj. My instructors have trained the special forces. Gracie jiu-jitsu is preferred now for the US special forces. Do you live in Israel?

Also your example about how effective it is against the palestinians is the dumbest thing I ever heard. You guys have US made planes and tanks and m-16 and these guys have rocks You stupid fukkkk. You have got to be Jewish the way your talking. Do you think if the palestinians had the weapons and you didn't have them you could beat them with Krav maga you idiot. Krav Maga has nothing to do with your occupation over Palestinians. Guns do.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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lookyoung said:
Every fighter in the octagon trains in bjj now because if you don't you will lose period.
Not necessarily. You BJJ guys act like BJJ is the only effective ground fighting system. There is also Sambo and wresting. Sakuraba never took BJJ yet he earned the title "The Gracie Hunter" because he defeated 4 Gracies. So stop acting like BJJ is the only good thing on the ground. Sakuraba is proof otherwise.

Everything in krav maga seems to be watered down.
I wouldn't say that, I think it's pretty damn effective, and I have also taken Karate, BJJ and Tae Kwondo so I do have something to compare it to. Here is some footage shot from my training center, that guy at the beginning is one of our instructors:

Have you ever had a gun pulled on you? I have its probably not the best time to pull a krav maga stunt.
No, I haven't yet had a gun pulled on me, but the more tools you have in the toolbox, the more options you have for countering a situation. Many robberies, the victim gives the robber what he wants, and the robber shoots him anyway. If all you have left to give is your life, then you better fight for it.

Krav maga is watered down in the 4 disciplines need for mma. They dabble in things but they are not a master of one.
That's an interesting way of spinning it. I say, it just takes what's most effective from other systems and leaves out what you aren't likely to use in a real scenario(like fancy acrobatic kicks and all that crap), thus you have a system that is effective, efficient and can be learned in relatively short period of time, thus why it is used to trained law enforcement.

As far as the police and army they train in bjj. My instructors have trained the special forces. Gracie jiu-jitsu is preferred now for the US special forces. Do you live in Israel?
US special forces train in MCMAP, not BJJ.


Sep 21, 2007
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NY/NJ/CT Tri State
Speak I'm curious but what do your classes run you as far as $$$?

Sorry if you already answered this I guess I'm a bit lazy and screen dead to look through the whole thread


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
could be from $85 - $115 a month depending on what package.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
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I take Muay Thai..

I have taken Karate and Kung Fu..

not really familiar with Krav Maga, but I think the reason you dont see it used in any competition is because its a dirty style..

my kungfu instructor taught us self defense moves that consisted of eye gouges, eye rakes, crotch shots, and kicks to the insides of opponents kness..

nothing you could use in a tournament.

I am sure Krav is very similiar..

get in cause havoc so your opponent cannot chase you and get out..

the object of BJJ is to submit someone.. where Krav is to go home alive..

so comparing them really isnt fair..

if I was in a bar fight I would probably eye gouge or take someones knee out before I would square off and box someone...

if someone attempted to take me down in a bar fight, id do the same.. gouge eyes, etc..

just my .01 cents


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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to the op

I just started training at this gym that teaches krav maga

The classes are very practical and there is no bull**** will work your azz off and start punching and kicking things the first day...very fun

the one I go to also offers kick boxing, wrestling and boxing all for 150/mo

concerning the debate about which is better i have no clue...but after a few months of krav maga you will be a tough competitor in a street fight


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
I am a Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Gracie Jiu-jitsu), AND a level 4 Krav Maga fighter.

So, I am sufficiently qualified to settle this debate.

Both fighting styles have there strengths and weaknesses. The truth is, one isnt better than the other. It completely depends on the situation. The fact remains that over 90% of street fights end up on the ground, regardless of takedown defense. However, you need to be prepared for that other 10%.

Krav Maga is purely a real world martial art developed by Israeli Commandos for killing raghead terrorists. There is no line between sport and life/death in Krav Maga. You fight to kill, and aim for vital spots. Throat, eyes, groin, knees, solar plexus, etc.

Jiu-Jitsu has been made into somewhat more of a sport martial art. It's not fair to compare the two. However, Jiu-Jitsu is ABSOLUTELY LETHAL in a street fight. I dont care how good you think you are at takedown defenses, you WILL go down if you face a BJJ Black Belt in a street fight. And when you go down, you WILL get killed. Its that simple. Not to mention, its not like a BJJ guy keeps his hands at his side when he's not on the ground. Who is to say you can't be good at both?

My recomendation? Take BJJ and master it. Then, take any other striking martial art as backup. BJJ/Krav Maga as a combination is nearly unstoppable in a street fight. BJJ/Muy Thai is also pretty brutal. I've had plenty of experience to know this.

If I had to choose just one though, I would choose BJJ hands down. Even if you only know BJJ, you can still throw punches and hold your own standing up until it goes to the ground. But if you only know Krav and you go to the ground, your ****ing toast.

On the other hand, If I was running around the West Bank shooting palestinians, I'd prefer Krav Maga.

**To the guy who said weapon defenses are BS, your an idiot. I've successfully disarmed 2 armed men trying to carjack me in Novgorod. Its dangerous, but it works in life or death situations.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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I'm all for BJJ as a "just in case" style if I go the ground. Only problem is, I think in many street situations, say in a bar fight or something, it's not going to be you versus the opponent, it's going to be you versus his friends kicking you in the head while you're going for that rear naked choke. In a one-on-one situation however, BJJ is excellent. But I think in most real life situations, you'll be lucky if he's fighting by himself, because anytime I've been at a bar or club and seen a fight break out, the people fighting have their friends backing them up. The only disagreement I have with you is that you should start with BJJ. For the reasons above, I think people should start with a striking art, then move on to a ground style, because with KM or MT, you do have a fighting chance against multiple attackers. BJJ cannot handle multiple attackers.


Sep 21, 2007
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NY/NJ/CT Tri State
From reading everything I like Krav Maga because it seems to incorporate techniques from various disciplines. This thread has obviously turned into a BJJ vs Krav Maga. The only way that really could ever be settled is if 10 masters of both fought each other one on one and which every style had the most winners gets the nod.

That will never happen though...


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
DJKid or Speakeasy (or whoever it was, I forget)....

First of all, before I begin, I'd like to reiterate that I am a master of both styles, and love both. I'm being completely unbiased.

You are much better off mastering BJJ and being proficient in Krav Maga.

If you know the basics of Krav Maga, your not going to be that much worse than a KM expert. The real difference between levels of KM fighters is strength, size, and real life combat experience.

Jiu-Jitsu on the other hand, is different. Size and strength is not an issue. The difference between a JJ novice and a JJ Master is exponential.

If a street fight lasts longer than 10 seconds, it WILL end up on the ground. Hopefully, you dont suck ass so bad that you lose in 10 seconds. If thats the case, dont even bother taking a martial art at all.

The thing is, none of you really have the experience with real life street fights as I do. You're arguing these points on paper, not having field tested it. Growing up in Volgograd, I've been in HUNDREDS of street fights. In bars, clubs, restaurants, alleys, streets, parks, you name it. Then, I served in the Spetznaz (I know sambo too, its not great). Never, in all my experiences have I faced odds worse than 4 to 1. If your ever facing off against 4 or more guys, you ****ed up in the first place and no amount of martial arts is going to save you. Dont let yourself get into those situations, or take a friend with you. Even against 3 oppontents, BJJ is gonna serve you better. The VAST majority of fights I've been in are 1 on 1. Let me give you an anecdote from my experience as a delinquent.....

By the time I was 19, I was already a BJJ purple belt, nearly a brown belt. At this time, I had never heard of Krav Maga, and didn't know any other 'striking martial art'. One night, I was following my usual route through the park near Mamyev Hill, coming home from my girlfriends house. I was running late that night, it was around 2am. Now, If you're not familiar with Russia, its not a good idea to be walking through a park alone at past midnight. Just as would be expected, 4 'golovorey', or thugs, emerge from behind the Mamyev monument. They wanted my money, but I had none. In my youth, I was stupid and got ****y. I spit in the leaders face, and before I knew it, the fight started. Immediately, I dropped the first guy with a right hook to the ear and a follow up elbow to the chin. The second guy grabs me from behind in a bear hug, and the third one approaches from teh front simultaneously. I pull myself up on my rear assailants body, and kick the front assailaint square in the throat. He goes down spitting blood. In hte same fluid movement, I flip guy bearhugging me, and break his arm, wrist, and shoulder in a matter of seconds. Now its just me and the fourth guy. A huge, bear of a russian mother****er, jacked as hell. He charges me, and I use his momemtum and hurl him. His head thudded onto a large rock on the ground. Before he gets up, Im ontop, and I choke him into unconciousness with a solid crosschoke in about 6 seconds. I looked around at my assailants lying on the grass, unconcious or incapacitated, and sprinted for my life all the way home.

All of this I did without knowing a bit of Krav Maga or any other standup martial art. Fights arent like the movies. It only takes one solid punch to put someone out for good, and you don't need Krav Maga to throw a punch. But BJJ helps you avoid a punch.

Now dont think you can go out there and take on 4 guys at once because your a BJJ bigshot. I got very lucky this time. I dont care if your jackie ****in chan, your odds of winning with such stacked odds are slim to none, regardless of what crazy kung fu **** you may know. And if you are a KM expert, and you do end up in a 4 on 1, good ****ing luck staying on your feet buddy, because you WONT. and when you fall, your done. Atleast BJJ gives you shot on the ground, where almost every single fight ends up.

Now for a hypothetical: say 10 KM masters and 10 BJJ masters were to fight to the death. Even if all 10 fights stayed on the ground (which is not even possible), the BJJ masters would still win about 3 out of 10 fights just based on superior size, speed, strength, or natural talent alone. However, when we put the possibility of ground fighting into the matches, its a whole new game. An absolute minimum of 6 of those 10 fights will go to the ground (BJJ masters have a takedown success rate of about 70% in the UFC). Now, once those 6 fights go to the ground, the BJJ masters will win EVERY SINGLE ONE. Then, add up to 3 wins just from standup, and the BJJ masters win anywhere from 7-10 of those fights. No less.

One final thing. Do not take this as an attempt to belittle Krav Maga. It is an absolutely deadly martial art and self defense system. But outside of a military environment, it just doesnt quite match up with BJJ yet. The truth is, you need both to be a complete fighter, and a true badass.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Commissar said:
DJKid or Speakeasy (or whoever it was, I forget)....

First of all, before I begin, I'd like to reiterate that I am a master of both styles, and love both. I'm being completely unbiased.

You are much better off mastering BJJ and being proficient in Krav Maga.

If you know the basics of Krav Maga, your not going to be that much worse than a KM expert. The real difference between levels of KM fighters is strength, size, and real life combat experience.

Jiu-Jitsu on the other hand, is different. Size and strength is not an issue. The difference between a JJ novice and a JJ Master is exponential.

If a street fight lasts longer than 10 seconds, it WILL end up on the ground. Hopefully, you dont suck ass so bad that you lose in 10 seconds. If thats the case, dont even bother taking a martial art at all.

The thing is, none of you really have the experience with real life street fights as I do. You're arguing these points on paper, not having field tested it. Growing up in Volgograd, I've been in HUNDREDS of street fights. In bars, clubs, restaurants, alleys, streets, parks, you name it. Then, I served in the Spetznaz (I know sambo too, its not great). Never, in all my experiences have I faced odds worse than 4 to 1. If your ever facing off against 4 or more guys, you ****ed up in the first place and no amount of martial arts is going to save you. Dont let yourself get into those situations, or take a friend with you. Even against 3 oppontents, BJJ is gonna serve you better. The VAST majority of fights I've been in are 1 on 1. Let me give you an anecdote from my experience as a delinquent.....

By the time I was 19, I was already a BJJ purple belt, nearly a brown belt. At this time, I had never heard of Krav Maga, and didn't know any other 'striking martial art'. One night, I was following my usual route through the park near Mamyev Hill, coming home from my girlfriends house. I was running late that night, it was around 2am. Now, If you're not familiar with Russia, its not a good idea to be walking through a park alone at past midnight. Just as would be expected, 4 'golovorey', or thugs, emerge from behind the Mamyev monument. They wanted my money, but I had none. In my youth, I was stupid and got ****y. I spit in the leaders face, and before I knew it, the fight started. Immediately, I dropped the first guy with a right hook to the ear and a follow up elbow to the chin. The second guy grabs me from behind in a bear hug, and the third one approaches from teh front simultaneously. I pull myself up on my rear assailants body, and kick the front assailaint square in the throat. He goes down spitting blood. In hte same fluid movement, I flip guy bearhugging me, and break his arm, wrist, and shoulder in a matter of seconds. Now its just me and the fourth guy. A huge, bear of a russian mother****er, jacked as hell. He charges me, and I use his momemtum and hurl him. His head thudded onto a large rock on the ground. Before he gets up, Im ontop, and I choke him into unconciousness with a solid crosschoke in about 6 seconds. I looked around at my assailants lying on the grass, unconcious or incapacitated, and sprinted for my life all the way home.

All of this I did without knowing a bit of Krav Maga or any other standup martial art. Fights arent like the movies. It only takes one solid punch to put someone out for good, and you don't need Krav Maga to throw a punch. But BJJ helps you avoid a punch.

Now dont think you can go out there and take on 4 guys at once because your a BJJ bigshot. I got very lucky this time. I dont care if your jackie ****in chan, your odds of winning with such stacked odds are slim to none, regardless of what crazy kung fu **** you may know. And if you are a KM expert, and you do end up in a 4 on 1, good ****ing luck staying on your feet buddy, because you WONT. and when you fall, your done. Atleast BJJ gives you shot on the ground, where almost every single fight ends up.

Now for a hypothetical: say 10 KM masters and 10 BJJ masters were to fight to the death. Even if all 10 fights stayed on the ground (which is not even possible), the BJJ masters would still win about 3 out of 10 fights just based on superior size, speed, strength, or natural talent alone. However, when we put the possibility of ground fighting into the matches, its a whole new game. An absolute minimum of 6 of those 10 fights will go to the ground (BJJ masters have a takedown success rate of about 70% in the UFC). Now, once those 6 fights go to the ground, the BJJ masters will win EVERY SINGLE ONE. Then, add up to 3 wins just from standup, and the BJJ masters win anywhere from 7-10 of those fights. No less.

One final thing. Do not take this as an attempt to belittle Krav Maga. It is an absolutely deadly martial art and self defense system. But outside of a military environment, it just doesnt quite match up with BJJ yet. The truth is, you need both to be a complete fighter, and a true badass.

That story sounds a little it silly.

But seriously, one-on-one combat is it really the way to go? I train BJJ, i've trained boxing/muay thai, and I am looking to train in Krav Maga this year sometime. It's more of a health activity though.

Real combat isn't resolved on the mat in my opinion. There are a lot of other more dangerous ways to really get to people. We're not on the playground anymore. Real power doesn't come with being able to perform a kimura.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
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I'll tell you what. If I'm ever in a lethal situation, I'll take KM's quick defense tactics to save my ass and run. Or should I stick around and prove to the attacker than BJJ is mightier than KM because it's the most popular in UFC.

An armbar does jack **** when you're on the ground with him, and his buddy comes over to kick you in the face. What are you going to do, make him tap out until the police arrive? Perhaps break his arm? Yeah I'd rather get off a shot to the neck and haul ass out of there.

You have to look at the facts.

How often are you in a street fight?

Learn to stay out of troubled places. Trust your gut.

Not everyone you fight is going to be trained in fighting. A simple take down is all that's really needed to end a fight with MOST people who learn quickly. Don't believe me? Have your friend go toss you on the pavement at full strength, but pretend he's not your friend. Now what's more important, showboating your ego to your friends/crowd, or learning your lesson and ending it.

I've got a few friends in the Marines. When you're out of bullets, what's the next best thing to kill someone with? Your hands obviously. If you're in the military and out of bullets, chances are you might be in a war zone. Chances are there's more of the enemy. You want to kill them as quickly as possible to neutralize the threat. BJJ comes in handy should you happen to end on the ground. But why would you go for a leg lock when you can end it in 2 or 3 seconds standing.

Same concept on the street, to a lesser degree. You don't want to kill the guy at the club who hit you, but you can seriously injure him. WITHOUT taking the fight to the ground because you know he's ****ed. You know what? You might be the guy getting ****ed in return. Steel toe boot to the back of the head = Gracie JJ failure.

I'm not knocking BJJ, but there comes a time when you have to separate what's on SpikeTV and what's happening in reality. Guerrilla tactics IMO, hit and run.