Knowing when enough is enough.. The Club Game

Jan 18, 2016
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A mistake I see alot of guys with great potential make is. They get a girl or two, engage them, have fun.. make out, maybe pull a number or an "add me on fb" (lol). But they don't ever draw back.. They stay in the vicinity.. and continue talking to the girl and her friends.. who are usually trying to talk to each other or dance.

Reminds me of the saying "the empty vessel makes the most noise".. These dudes just keep talking to the girl, practically -trying- to entertain her.. when they should either close and take her home or draw back on a high note and maybe work on a few other gals outside or hit up a spot across the street.

No one wants a guy that escalates properly yet then instead of closing, just hovers around until things start moving from hot, to fun to awkward.

I usually spend no more than 10 mins max with a girl who's with a buncha friends . Maybe 15 -20 if I'm working toward something.

Some girls no more than 4-5 mins. then draw back on a high note .. maybe come back later and give her some more play before leading her back to my /her place or even a public restroom for a nice happy end to the night BJ.

edit: fixed an auto correct error. made me type "viscoscity" instead of vicinity
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Jan 18, 2016
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Great post.

I've been guilty of 'hovering' after initial interest in the past.
Thanks. Yeah I think we all have haha at one point or another.

Awesome post man. You are very wise with women, and of all the guys I've spoken to on here, you are in the top 5%.

By the way, I'm planning another call tonight. I hope you can show up. I meant to do it earlier today but, well, duty / booty calls!
I'll see if I can make time for it. We got a good thing going I'd say. Someone else recently told me they want to be apart of the next call so we'll see whats up. Same time? Thanks for the compliments btw


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
This is true and extends beyond club game. You should ideally not have any interaction with women that doesn't have a deadline cutting it short. If you give your time away by doing stuff like sleeping over at her place on the first fvck or hovering around after you've already closed her in the club, you are giving your value away. That's not the way I see it, it's the way they see it and that's why you have to go by it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
It all gets back to value. A brief conversation with a cool vibe is always the way to go unless you have the moxie and finesse to be utterly and unabashedly direct. Once you get the number, move along. When you have made the sale, quit selling! Let her wonder about you and try to grab your attention all night. You take this opportunity away by overstaying your welcome, even if she likes you.

Your value can slide into creeper status at the speed of light when you hover or linger or whatever. She will at the very least KNOW you like her. People watching at the club was always entertaining for this reason. More entertaining than the straight up crash & burns (rejections) were the slow motion train wrecks (deceleration from cool to creepy), often fueled by excessive adult beverage consumption.

Side note: Never be intoxicated such that you act like a drunk fool or want to fight or something dumb, stupid or immature. Very fast way to run off the hot & sought after no matter your SMV. Cool club game is always in control of oneself and one's interactions.
Jan 18, 2016
Reaction score
This is true and extends beyond club game. You should ideally not have any interaction with women that doesn't have a deadline cutting it short. If you give your time away by doing stuff like sleeping over at her place on the first fvck or hovering around after you've already closed her in the club, you are giving your value away. That's not the way I see it, it's the way they see it and that's why you have to go by it.
That goes without saying if you're legit someone who manages his time wisely and keeps busy, but the way you phrase it sounds almost superficial.. That you "have" to do certain things with "every woman" as if it's written in some rule book. Some of you guys end up sounding like straight PUA's.

Plus, if you're pretending that you're busy and cutting time short with a girl who's not just a bimbo who needs d!ck and nothing else, than you're ultimately a fool.. And some other true Don Juan will end up taking the cake when she prioritizes him over you and then she grows dim on you because you couldn't do things like spend the night.. or hang out with her from time to time or spend an extra 5-10 mins on the phone to hear about her terrible week.

Spinning plates is not just about providing d!ck because there's tons of other guys out there that can do the same.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
That goes without saying if you're legit someone who manages his time wisely and keeps busy, but the way you phrase it sounds almost superficial.. That you "have" to do certain things with "every woman" as if it's written in some rule book. Some of you guys end up sounding like straight PUA's.

Plus, if you're pretending that you're busy and cutting time short with a girl who's not just a bimbo who needs d!ck and nothing else, than you're ultimately a fool.. And some other true Don Juan will end up taking the cake when she prioritizes him over you and then she grows dim on you because you couldn't do things like spend the night.. or hang out with her from time to time or spend an extra 5-10 mins on the phone to hear about her terrible week.

Spinning plates is not just about providing d!ck because there's tons of other guys out there that can do the same.
That's why I didn't say "you shouldn't", I said "you ideally shouldn't". I also didn't say you can't spend the night, I said don't do it on the first fvck. In the beginning you want to establish (covertly through your actions, not through running your mouth) that you stay with girls when you want to, not because you have or hope to, and you'll be a challenge for her (which girls love). That gives you the frame instead of her at a crucial time. You do not want a woman to think that she's the most valuable thing you're doing with your time.

Of course this is within reason. You don't start using a stop watch when you're fvcking her after knowing her for a while to not "stay too long". This is about setting up the right frame.