Alle Gorry relax first of all, nobody is your enemy here.
First you say Im wrong then you say its like Im saying :
They do it because they see it everywhere
Who decides what is shown on tv or movies?
Second I didnt named alex jones in any place except your fantasy, same for aliens, didnt know who he was before reading op's post.
Third you are making so much ado about nothing, it doesnt need a genius to type on google estrogen-environment-average penis size and see the results.
And by results I mean proved numbers.
Your hormones do not regulate your body only,any andrologist can confirm you that behaviour and nervous system is affected too.
This for men.
About women, how comes they maturate faster and faster year after year?
We have 9 yrs old girls who grow boobs and start to drip (u know what) while it was unbelievable years ago.
Believe what you want at least have a read around before doing it.
It's not a matter of conspiracies it's a matter of facts.
What are you gonna say next? that law arent inbalanced toward women and that its just a conspiracy?
BTW when you say your grandma(n) is more manly than many men here I believe you, you wouldnt be a leftist if there werent women wearing the trousers in your family. (no disrespect).