Kissing a girl with Low/Medium IL


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
IM goiong to take this girl out and kiss her. Im just looking for peoples experience on doing this as like a last resort. Shes admited theres something there before and that im on her mind alot. She also said that shes on a break with her bf although she "doesnt care anymore what happens and is sick of ppl talking about it and giving her sympathy etc etc" So my plan is to take her out somewhere, go for a walk or something and kiss her...

In the past ive had a girl say im not her type and i took her out clubbing with my friends and later when dropping her off i kissed her and then we hung out for hte next 4-5 days. Later, when i asked out of curiousity when she saw me as more than a friend, and if she could pinpoint the exact moment her feelings changed. She said it was the eye contact and conversation before i kissed her, with emphasis mostly on the eye contact. (interesting)

Another girl i asked said sometimes it takes her a while to even realize she likes a guy and that if she gets kissed it can act as a spark into her liking the guy, which is what i wanted to hear lol

I havnt read anything about this in the BIble. The DJB actually says as a last resort to low IL cut all contact and ignore, but im trying this instead snce i think its a more than low IL. Kind of an unsure IL (if that exsists?). So looking for other peoples experiences. I am going to do it regardless, but im just looking for any tips/things to be aware of etc. One thing someone told me is that girls make up their mind pretty quick about guys.. but then again they can change it very quick too so i dont know.

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Don Juan
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
It makes a bit of sense. I say go for it anyway but lead up with her with Comfort/Connection/Excitment/Arousal. 2 things will either happen. Either she'll freak out and you've miss judged her or she'll go home and think about you all night and what just happened. During this period shell either think "oh that was great etc etc *feelings build*" .. or "that was great.. *later*.. but i dunno if i wanna do this since my IL is medium"...

ive kissed a girl before like this and it has sparked her. I kissed her for a moment and then split and didnt call for a while. I left at txt saying it was a good time, and called her like 5 days later to setup another date. Things worked well, i just took it easy, didnt put pressure and later she started admitting that her feelings were growing and we went out for like several months, inwhich time she had comments like "I didnt like u that much but now i just cant get enough of you its weird!"

Im interested in how some experienced people might respond to this and the Dynamics of it. Its kinda like the whole "sweeping them off their feet" thing. Does it work? o_O


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
In the club/bars
IL?? where the hell you guys getting all these abbreviations? :confused:

I've looked all over the DJbible for these terms, I would think it would be easier to find all the terms considering everyone throws them around this site like they are second nature.. yet I have found only few explanations to most terms I hear here.. Kino is the only one..


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
It means Interest Level.

My bad, i had the same problem when i first came on here. But youll get em eventually, there arent that many abbreviations really.