For me...Yes. I can say that I have gotten over my worst oneitis of 2 years ago who broke up with me when I went back to school after summer. But that doesn't mean I have totally forgotten about her, theres just no emotion attached to the memory anymore. Some girls you totally forget about, but the ones that meant alot or caused you alot of pain are harder to forget. . The key is knowing that there are thousands of other beautiful girls out there, all different, with different personalities. I had the fortune of hooking up with/dating one or two girls whose positive memories outweigh the negative memories from other girls.
I was just dating a girl over this summer, who I was pretty into. We were both in the same classes and clubs in college, but same situation..I was moving away again at the end of the summer, except this time it was 1500 miles. Same situation, different girl so I knew what to expect...if she liked me, or even if she didn't, she was probably going to withdraw closer to when I left. She eventually did that and said she liked me but it was too hard on her that I was leaving. I'm rambling here but I still think about that girl, she is more recent. I maybe feel a little tug at the heartstrings if I look at a picture where shes looking gorgeous. But then it's gone after a second, and that little tug will dull with time until it is nonexistent. Don't live in the past, the future holds greater possibilities. It also helps of course to be talking to other girls, or going out and trying to meet or just chat with salesladies(another good recent post I forget who wrote it), girls walking dogs, etc... If I'm thinking about the hot little brunette with big boobs I saw working at the mall earlier, I'm less likely to think about a past girl.