Ohh, get some flashbacks to when I started off... I ate everything.. I ate all the time... I ate whatever I saw.. I would gobble down 10 slices of bread in a meal.. drink 1 litre of yogurt, milk... whatever.. I literally was full all the time.. I gained some fat, but not all that much. The perk of being an ecto is that you can eat alot more and not gain so much fat.
Double is the expert on being insane... he ****ing eats until he throws up.. he even told me he'd swollowed some pill and then puked.. took the pill cleaned it and ate it again... that man is sick!
If you are that thin then you can afford to do a heavy bulk. Eat ****loads of clean foods, I mean, rice, I mean pasta, I mean potatoes, I mean oatmeal, I mean meat.. I mean everything you can get your hands on that are remotly nutritional. Drink 6 shakes of whey a day. Get your vitamins and minerals, go on creatine and lift til' you bleed.
So you want to be hardcore? Here are some suggestions for you WHEN you have learnt correct form and where your lift stats are:
Squat 2-3 times a week, 1 set of 20 repetitions. Sounds easy huh? Then I tell you to take a weight where you fail at the 10th rep... then do 1 more, and 1 more and 1 more.. take small breaks with the weight on the back and inhale and exhale... the 15th rep should be death for you... 17th you wonder why you torture yourself and every fibre in the body tells you to quit. 18th go up really slow.. you don't know if you can force your leg a 19th rep. Have a spotter for this for gods sake!
+1 rep system on the other lifts. Don't do so many sets.. try to get to total failure. If you manage 8 dips and are exhausted.. do +1 rep... if you manage that.. do +1 rep until you simply can't even with adamant will.
Some hardcore exercises for you
Stone lifting with plates: take plates and put in your arms like you would carry a girl and then walk around with them. You can feel the weight against your chest making it hard to breath, you can feel the lats burning and the arms gettting tired and you have to force yourself with lack of breath and will to continue walking. You should fail and not be able to carry more within 40 meters.
Farmer's Walk: Take two HEAVY dumbells and walk with them, max 40 meters.
6-10 Push presses with strong negative rep: Don't do military presses, do a military press with leg drive so you can lift more on the way up, then try to do a slow negative rep (about 2-3 sec) on the way down. BE CAREFUL NOT TO LIFT TOO HEAVY AND USE CORRECT FORM!!!
These are just ideas. The last three exercises I have tried with great success. I'm just trying out 20 rep squats and the +1 rep I've tried on the bench and on dips mostly.