Kicked out a club for sarging :D


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2008
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Randallpink83 said:
hahaha yeah this has happened to me before also. I remember walking into a club and the very first thing I approach these two girls dancing at the bar with a circle of chodes standing around them watching - I was just being light hearted...

approached with "whoaa girls thats just too hot for this bar" something like that and she went ape **** and got in my face and yelling... i was like wtf. i cant remember what was said, nothing major her just being a *****. So I was walking away, and even one of her guy friends smiled and shrugged to me as to say 'b!tches will be b!tches sometimes"

about two seconds later security grabs me and is making me leave cause that girl went and told security that I was pushing her around.... WHAT?? why the **** would I be pushing a girl around?? lol... anyhow, i was kicked out of the place within 5 minutes of walking in - no joke.

These type of girls need a large dose of HIV.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
truthistruth said:
Women are the cash cows,
the more the better for them to get men and their cover/ sell alcohol
Soo damn true... as i have said women are the center driving force of modern capitalism.. cause most men act in hopes of getting as many pretty mates as quickly as possible and spending money is an integral part of that... Wives dictate their husbands spending habits boyfriends try to buy things for their girl friends or things for themselves that their girls approve of... Car makers are making more girly models than ever before etc..

Clubs know that keeping the women happy and spoiled is critical to keeping their profits high... And also there are always too many dudes at bars clubs and all other social venues.. so kicking one out wont matter really since there are 20 more outside waiting to take his place....
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Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
Clubs know that keeping the women happy and spoiled is critical to keeping their profits high... And also there are always too many dudes at bars clubs and all other social venues.. so kicking one out wont matter really since there are 20 more outside waiting to take his place....
especially if he is a DJ lol, because he won't be buying any shots for the ladies :)