This fight is the rage on the internet.
Today Khabib met with Putin, here is a 5 minute video, I will translate it for you.
Putin meet with Khabib, translation in English
Putin: How you feeling.
Khabib: Good. As if in the moment everything....unaudible
Putin: unaudible....I want to congratulate your father for bring up such a son.
Father: He wasn't easy, in childhood he wasn't easy. He was born this way.
Putin: Well if he was an easy child, he probably wouldn't become such a fighter.
Putin: I congratulate you, and again I want you to wish the best of luck on your upcoming fights. There is a lot to talk about, it's understandable, when I saw you, I understand you.
Putin: Of course, this is a commercial sport, but after all this is a sport, and I can not but help to agree with those who think that certain rules has to be followed, and not only those rules written down on paper, but also general, sportsman, moral rules. I hope that in this sport everyone will be obeying these rules.
Putin: Yes of course, you didn't perform for a team, you were in your personal self, but certainly in Russia we do care how others treat our citizens, wherever they might be, and whatever they might do. For this reason we followed closely and cared for. I will be asking your father that he didn't punish you too strongly. Because you did solve the main objective, you won, you won with dignity, and decisively. And in conclussion I hope that ideals of sport will be above everything, above pay, above promotion, I mean firstly the team of your rivals of course. And that in the end ways will be found for normal interaction, friendship, to manly sportsman friendship. Because sport is dedicate and serves exactly these goals. And with your rivals you will have good, rival, but good human relations. In any case nobody can reproach you in that you haven't seeked this.
Putin: I want to express hope your efforts will be rated by your rivals and that everything will line up on human and sport key and of course I want to finish with what I started, I want to wish you success in your future.
Khabib: I also hope that they will rate not only my jump, but also my performance. For now they are only talking about my jump, even though I performed not bad, and unlike his antics and his disrespect towards me, towards my parents, towards my country. I handled myself with dignity, but certain moments of course, I didn't control. Because, even during the fight provacations continued. I hope that this court proceeding that right now is in session, will take our side.
Putin: What can I say about this. We all understand that this ordeal is special, and your father understands it. To get one mad, to get some kind of upper hand in battle. We inside our country, the way I think, we are one big family, everything that happens within we need to of course stir clear of extremes, and don't allow any sorts of jumps, whatever might have been going on, we have to achieve understanding between us, we are one big family. And of course everything happens, within the family everything happens, but we never allow ourselves to exit a certain framework. But if we are attacked from outside, of course we all can, not only you, jump. But it's best not to come to this.
Khabib: Not to come to this, yea.
Putin: I wish you success.
Khabib: Thank you.