Master Don Juan
Wouldn't it be great if there was a "magic pill" you could take to
meet, attract, and seduce every woman in town? Unfortunately such a
pill does not exist.
However, there are some magic methods to help you succeed with single
women. And your success with women will come from within. You are
totally responsible for your success or failure in the dating game.
Here are a few keys to succeeding with single women:
1. When you get in your car and turn on your ignition switch, you
expect your car to start. You don't just sit there and think about
whether it will start or not. You just do it and expect your car to
successfully start.
Well you must use this same mentality when approaching, meeting, and
attracting women. You must expect success and expect good results
when pursuing single women. Practice this "expecting success"
mentality and you will achieve amazing results in your love life.
2. When you have a vacation, I'm willing to bet that you plan it out
in exact detail - where you are going, how to get there, where to
stay, places to visit, etc. Well, you must do the same thing with
your love life. You must plan your success with women. Create a
detailed game plan and take action! It's really sad, but a lot of
guys put more effort in planning their vacation than planning on how
to be more successful with single women.
After you have developed your plan to turn your love life around, you
must put it into action and never look back! Don't let anyone or
anything stop you! Keep plugging away until you've met that special
hot & sexy lady you've been dreaming about.
3. Use visualization to help you succeed with women. See yourself in
your mind's eye successfully meeting, approaching, and seducing single
women. Play this movie over and over in your head. By constantly
visualizing success with women, this will work on your subconscious
mind. With practice you will act this out consciously and what you
think about and visualize will become a reality.
4. You must have faith and believe you have what it takes to be
successful with single women. I can't express to you enough how
important it is to believe in yourself. You must have faith and trust
me, faith works miracles. Any of you that are religious can relate to
this by witnessing the power of prayers.
Don Diebel www.getgirls.com
meet, attract, and seduce every woman in town? Unfortunately such a
pill does not exist.
However, there are some magic methods to help you succeed with single
women. And your success with women will come from within. You are
totally responsible for your success or failure in the dating game.
Here are a few keys to succeeding with single women:
1. When you get in your car and turn on your ignition switch, you
expect your car to start. You don't just sit there and think about
whether it will start or not. You just do it and expect your car to
successfully start.
Well you must use this same mentality when approaching, meeting, and
attracting women. You must expect success and expect good results
when pursuing single women. Practice this "expecting success"
mentality and you will achieve amazing results in your love life.
2. When you have a vacation, I'm willing to bet that you plan it out
in exact detail - where you are going, how to get there, where to
stay, places to visit, etc. Well, you must do the same thing with
your love life. You must plan your success with women. Create a
detailed game plan and take action! It's really sad, but a lot of
guys put more effort in planning their vacation than planning on how
to be more successful with single women.
After you have developed your plan to turn your love life around, you
must put it into action and never look back! Don't let anyone or
anything stop you! Keep plugging away until you've met that special
hot & sexy lady you've been dreaming about.
3. Use visualization to help you succeed with women. See yourself in
your mind's eye successfully meeting, approaching, and seducing single
women. Play this movie over and over in your head. By constantly
visualizing success with women, this will work on your subconscious
mind. With practice you will act this out consciously and what you
think about and visualize will become a reality.
4. You must have faith and believe you have what it takes to be
successful with single women. I can't express to you enough how
important it is to believe in yourself. You must have faith and trust
me, faith works miracles. Any of you that are religious can relate to
this by witnessing the power of prayers.
Don Diebel www.getgirls.com