If Keto was banned because of the gang bang thread, then maybe that is what he gets. He started an entire derogatory thread about a member here, and that is banworthy, isn't it? Regardless of whether or not the member is a (gasp) girl, or even favored or not by the current "anti-matrix" gang here. I am surprised because worse threads have been started here with me as the target, but hey, finally the rules are being enforced even when the target is the iq.
I definitely reported the thread when I saw it, but I didn't really think it would be dealt with that seriously. So on one hand I feel badly... but the more I think about it, Keto's real life issues seem to only manifest more by being on this site. He has some severe issues with women and other minorities, and that is pretty evident in almost every single post he makes. This site is so anti-woman right now, it couldn't have been good for him. The fact that he was here for five years and showed no improvement has to say something.
As far as me being a troll... I have been here since 2003. And the moment I arrived I have been
controversial. I am a woman, I cuss, I have strong opinions and I am not afraid to voice them and debate them. That is like the antichrist here to the people who hold SS as some kind of religion... similar to people who read the real life bible wrong and make crazy laws based on their interpretation. Much of the advice that I give is completely inline with the actual DJ bible here, moreso I think than some of the other posters posting.
Anyways, I do not violate the rules here.
I do not call posters out repeatedly as trolls for months and years on end, with absolutely no substantial points that are actually relevant to the thread. (KontrollerX)
I do not call anyone a troll for simply having a different opinion, nor do I claim to be a mind reader on that person's intentions to post. (KontrollerX) I mean I think it has been asked before... but how does one come to the conclusion that a poster
sets out to be upsetting, just because they usually disagree with your viewpoints? Isn't that akin to a witch hunt?
I do not respond to a disagreement with name calling or flame baiting, that has
nothing to do with the actual thread's topic. (Too many posters to name.)
I do not mention a poster that I disagree with should or wants to do anything pretty vulgar or sexual with me, in an effort to insult them, instead of replying to their opposing points. (STR8UP)
I do not post a person's public information on a board of thousands, abusing my moderator privileges. Then repeatedly make offhand comments while locking threads to keep that as the last word. (Rollo Tomassi)
There is a lot more bannable offenses made here by the posters that seem to live here, towards me, than anything I have ever said or done. My posts are combed through and discussed vehemently in an effort to ban me.
But guess what! I do not do the things listed above.
I am guilty of having an opposing viewpoint from the bigger bullies that patrol these forums lately. I might also be guilty of being intelligent enough to voice these opinions and views, while also one upping anyone who wants to stoop to a level of insult, however I can't really engage in that too much anymore because... I am being WATCHED. Lol.
I have been on certain mod's watchlist for some time, and no I do not know any mods or Allen personally, and I do not even know if Allen likes me or not. I do think it was wrong that another certain female member was banned because of a certain few members and mods here riding her the way they ride me. But I'll have to disappoint that posse, because I can see where she went wrong.
She was emotionally invested.
But I read that one thread in the DJ bible... protect thy heart.
Check that one out, newbies. And remember... remain calm, cool, and collected at all times.
Peace... one day.