Triceps felt like they were on fire after benching.
Chin up:
1, 2, 3, 4, 4
Pushing the prowler yesterday made my legs feel great today. No soreness I've also been making an effort to eat healthier lately. Lots of beef/chicken and vegetables. I was eating a lot of junk food and it was making me feel like ****.
If you're repping w/ 4 plates on your pull, and have done close to 5 in the past you definitely gotta add weight to your pull ups! Especially if you're doing 5 x 5. Good to see this journal back on track man... keep it up!
My fingers slipped one by one out from under the bar during the set and I dropped it after 9 reps. I'm confident I could have gotten 12 if not for that.
I'm impressed with your posterior chain strength but comparatively your chest/upper back/arms must be very weak?
I have barely trained properly since 2007 but yesterday pressed 205lbs for 5/5/7 reps.
I hope you've spent a few months doing different kinds of training? Whatever you're doing just isn't working for it.
Pretty sure I've said as much before, but for the majority of males after as much strength training as you've been doing your bench should be up around 275lbs for reps.
Forgive me for not reading the past few pages but have you gone over the 5-8 rep range for bench?
Tried to get to 12 but fingers slipped out from the bar again after 9 reps, but I know I can do more... now I see why people usually do sets of 1-3 reps for front squats! Oh well.
Overhead press:
2 x 8 x 95
8 x 105
Just did a bunch of reps... didn't keep track of it.
New PR. Haven't PRd on squats in a while. Should be squatting 4 plates each side for 3x5 soon
Chin up:
3 x 5 x 15 lbs
5 x 295
5 x 345
10 x 385
My hamstrings were completely wiped out after this set. Typing this 2 hours later and they still are. Haven't felt this much hamstring fatigue in a while.
I've missed a couple workouts and today was totally wiped out, didn't even make it to the gym until 9pm.
2 x 5 x 395
I was wiped out after this. Shouldn't even have gone in today. Will deadlift tomorrow.
If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.
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