keeping an attractive female friend


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
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Shiiit i feels so ****ty down today that i keep telling myself life is good all day. I am learning and learning practicing eyecontact, smile and kino and on retrospect have come quite far. I used to be super nice guy and learned much from my burnts with girls. I have faced many difficulties but i am going to go on, keep trying till i succeed. I don't want to look back at my life with the remorse of not having girls b/c i was too afraid. That will never fcuking happen.

I have a situation... there was an article about having an attractive female friend as a best friend to help attract girls. There are supposedly a couple of advantages to having a few close female friends like getting you comfortable around females, improving your social status, using her as pivot, etc. I am at a stage where i am trying to make friends with attractive girls and the problem is that i never have a close female friend before. Right now, we both know we only see each other as friends and as a matter of fact she is probably a lot older than i am(its okay b/c she looks young and pretty). The article says "be the best friend you can be to her" now the question is does this mean you should llisten to her problems? Because my friend started telling me about her life problems and I have no problem listening to them (i don't try to solve them or anything like that) but what annoys the hell out of me is when she start telling me about her dating problems. Normally if i am trying to date her i would take it as a negatve sign and back off or tell her to shut up. But i am trying to keep her as a friend to pivot me and the good thing is that she like going out a lot and we would hang out about twice a week. She would made be breakfast, luch, coffee and we would have a great time. There is a lot of touch too i mean i use kino on her all the time and a lots of smile too... i do these to every girl i know now. Now my question is should I take it as a sign of disrespect when she tells me her problem especially dating problem? The reason I ask is i am afraid i am coming off as a nice guy and i don't want her to use me as emotional tampoon and be discarded.

Thank you to all my bros who are out there to share their wisdom. If you are down.... don't be because if you are walking through hell there is only one thing you can do ..just keep walking. Like Pook says as 'you think you shall become'. I will become a DJ, I will become a DJ I will become A DJ and there is nothing stopping it.

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
Ok, to be short and to the point, first answer these:

- Do you feel anything towards her that you don't towards your normal best male buddies?

- Are you more inclined to listen to her problems (whether dating related or not) than you best male buddies'?

If the answer is rather closer to yes, then you are just fooling yourself, she's NOT your best friend, you see her somewhat as an interest, although you consciously do not want to admit it.
If it's a big no, then you have nothing to worry about right?

Actually you don't need to convince us whether it's yes or no, be sincere with yourself, you know the answer. Would you do things for her than you won't for your buddies?

To me, my good female friends are exactly like my male friends, only they are female and attractive and they provide me good social proof and potential good looking girls I might be interrested in. Nothing more, nothing less, anything else being equal.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
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Well what do you want?

If she is telling your her emotion problems then she thinks of you as friend. I thought you wanted a female friend?

I personally think you are going about this all wrong - you should have lots of females that you know but its pretty useless to try and develop female friends. What is that going to get you? Someone who wastes your time with their emotional problems and gives you bad advice on dating.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Hood Hopping...
Female friends

heres my take on female friends. I have alot of attractive female friends but after a while, you start to only see them as a friend, and not an interest. Majority of them, are attractive enough, i would f**k them if they hinted at it or something like that, but i wont try to game them. I think you should c + f sometimes, keep it light, dont kiss ass, and no kino. After she knows you a little the kino will come naturally. It does help you meet girls. They have friends, and when they are around them, if her friend is feeling you itll work out. What you dont do, to your guy friends or girl friends, is say "please hook me up with a girl." This is annoying.

Im a recovering social retard from childhood, never afc. So for like a year ive been trying to get my game on track. But its hard, not making that much progress. Then in the spring semester at my school everybody was boning, i wasnt, and im real sexually frustrated. In 1 week, 5 different girls told me i need to get some ass. So i asked my friend (of about a yr) about this and she said no i wasnt being clingy or anything like that. then the convo led to her asking me if i wanted to have sex with her, and i said no. Shes always known my situation that ive never kissed, dated etc. and i never was chasing after her for some ass. Ive never been physical at all with her so it would look type weird for me to just start kino and putting hands on that chick.

But now i realize i wanna go my first time with her because it would take me a long long time b4 i am able to game a girl, and plus itll help me with instructions. With me having very little experience being physical with girls in general, its limiting what i can do. It means im on the stage where i just have to try flirting and **** and see what works. So how do i ask her this? If ive never even kissed, should i practice that first? Do you guys think this is really bad pity puzz and i should forget it? Any response appreciated.

i didnt want to make a separate post with this.

How do you forget about sex with your attractive friend? I dont know how to tell you, have options, exchange kinda personal info. After you tell her some embarrassing stuff, you wont want her as a gf.


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
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parisien thanks for reply, I think my answer to your questions is 'no' (she is about five years older) :D i kind of get what you are saying...i think i know what i have to do. From now on, i am going to start treating her exactly like my male buddies.... and still hang out and have fun. i don't feel anything for her and i shouldn't worry. I will listen if i feel like it... i won't if i think its too much or boring. I mean i gain something from her and i give something back it seems fair. How i am going to treat her like my male buddy... i will do stuff or talk about stuff that i won't do infront of a girl that i am interested in like embarassing stuff or about other girls or stuff like that you know ....

PS. thanks to flexion and jheight for ur replies too peace

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
back to Paris, missing the USA
iwant said:
parisien thanks for reply, I think my answer to your questions is 'no' (she is about five years older) :D i kind of get what you are saying...i think i know what i have to do. From now on, i am going to start treating her exactly like my male buddies.... and still hang out and have fun. i don't feel anything for her and i shouldn't worry. I will listen if i feel like it... i won't if i think its too much or boring. I mean i gain something from her and i give something back it seems fair. How i am going to treat her like my male buddy... i will do stuff or talk about stuff that i won't do infront of a girl that i am interested in like embarassing stuff or about other girls or stuff like that you know ....

PS. thanks to flexion and jheight for ur replies too peace
This is exactly what I meant, man, you are such a smart dude! :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
iwant said:
parisien thanks for reply, I think my answer to your questions is 'no' (she is about five years older) :D i kind of get what you are saying...i think i know what i have to do. From now on, i am going to start treating her exactly like my male buddies.... and still hang out and have fun. i don't feel anything for her and i shouldn't worry. I will listen if i feel like it... i won't if i think its too much or boring. I mean i gain something from her and i give something back it seems fair. How i am going to treat her like my male buddy... i will do stuff or talk about stuff that i won't do infront of a girl that i am interested in like embarassing stuff or about other girls or stuff like that you know ....

PS. thanks to flexion and jheight for ur replies too peace
Ey man, I was in your situation couple months ago. Now i got a female friend. Its a start alright. The way I treat her is just like the way i treat my male friends. Yeah, i bust out my **** jokes, perverted, mean jokes. I asked the same question here months ago.

So, the bottom line is, don't loose this female friend as much as possible. Use her to make or attract other female friends. Once you have other female friends, you can then use those female friends to NOW attract chicks you want to shag.
So for example, you meet this female chick in your class, work, wherever. You develop rapport with her, then when the time comes, you can ask her "hey, you should go hang out with us. Me and my friend "Tanya" ( lets just say Tanya is your curent female friend) are gona go watch a movie...


Hey, we should go watcha movie (meaning just you and her)

I think by referring to a female name, it disarms her and makes her feel comfortable because you are not a threat to her.

Thats what I'm going to use this female friend of mine for.


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
So for example, you meet this female chick in your class, work, wherever. You develop rapport with her, then when the time comes, you can ask her "hey, you should go hang out with us. Me and my friend "Tanya" ( lets just say Tanya is your curent female friend) are gona go watch a movie...

WTF? my friend name is Tanya lol :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
yeah.. so im your friend who you think is "AFC". I too go on this board you know