Originally posted by dice
I'm starting today keeping a daily journal to basically make my life more interesting. It will give me the motivation to seek things in my life that are worth writing about in my journal as well as keep me on track on my path to becoming the person that I want to be. I'm just wondering who else here keeps a journal and what you have to say about it.
Dude, I thought I was the ONLY one considering doing this. Glad to see I'm not because personally I think it's A GREAT idea.
A. It will help me BETTER remember my experiences, bad and good so I can look back at them and see how much I've progressed.
B. I'll probably get along with new people better because I'll remember their names and specific details about their life as I write stuff about the people I meet in my journal.
c. I'm also going to write a regular life journal (anything that happens to me, not just Dj'ing. I tend to forgot certain important details sometimes such as when I last paid something or whatever.
So yeah, there is a million reasons to do it! Half the fun in life comes from good and perhaps even bad memories so I think keeping a journal is one of the best ways to capitalize on lessons life teaches us. Plus, just writing things down usually helps me rememer it better in the first place.