(Keep Your "JUICE" up)Stop Looking at P.O.R.N!!!! please for the own good of you ...


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
Beverlly hills
Originally posted by pimpfromdayone
! Everyone NEEDS to clear the prostate gland of fluid periodically, in one way or the other,
ok nice.. finally a man with something to debate...

Ok just look it at this way iam not saying you can drive your Ferrari SS to a back alley ***** house of any major city...

and justify the money put in gas ...by saying HEY!! I can get more theres a millions of gas stations chuging out gass...

Iam saying why waste the gas to go to a alley ***** house.. when you could be using the gas .... to take 2 hot females to your place

sure u will have more gas .. but maybe not a ferrari.. maybe not even you...

dont take the juice for GRANTED ... use it for good not for wall cleaner....

I Sure its not bad..wacking off....but use the juice for good. thats what iam saying... not stressing to much about the health benifits about not wacking off..


"Save the juice"?????? You don't "save" anything. Has anyone in here actually ever taken a biology class in their lives? Your body automatically produces sperm cells, and whether they get used or not, it is making new ones constantly.

So just because are bodys reproduces sperm cells as fast as Lil John says YEAAAH... doesnt mean we have to use them for a not sooo don juan way...

like the Gas example just cause you got gas in your car does it mean your going to waste it in a cheap not improving way? is that a don juan or a example of afc looking for a quick fix on his or hers sexual gratification...?

ask yourself if its not well do it....


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
Hey, maybe your advice will help after all: if you're like most people and your sex drive decreases when not masturbating/banging girls, you can use this to your advantage because it will make you look super suave and at ease, and you will have automatic disinterest in girls around you, therefore making you more attractive. Think about it. Or you could go the opposite extreme and masturbate till nothing else comes out anymore and you're completely exhausted.... hell on the last one you might bust a nut and pass out.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
masturbating is fvcked up. try to stop or cut down. For a start im glad i dont choke the chicken no more, its so barbaric.

I used to jack off 2-3 times a day and would be on my pc ALL day horny as a mofo. I have always had a high sex drive and firing out blanks was a pleasent past time. I always wanted to watch XXX movies / sex/ porn etc etc. I got connected to the internet for porno reasons basically.
Id stay in all day watchin porn and beating the meat. Id never go out and hunt for pvssy.

My personality changed... i became a shy guy. I was always loud and confident but i became shy and less dominant. I mean shyt, people were walkin over me and i was quiet as a mouse :down: very very passive. Another thing which i noticed and this really made me stop was MY HAIR WAS THINNING!! i was receding faster and i had very thin hair on top!:eek:

At 25 , genetically i shouldnt have been receding/thinning - my dads in his 50's and still has hair, as do my dads younger brothers. My moms brothers are in theyre 50's/60's and STILL have hair, my moms father ( grandpa ) had hair up until he died at the age of 70+. My cousins have perfect hair lines/thick hair and here i am receding and thinning. I saw pics of my dad when he was my age and he had LONG THICK HAIR like a hippie!

As soon as i stopped jackin my attitude started to return( about 1 month after ), depression went away and i started to feel better. My hair is gradually thickening from the top again ( thank god ) and i really hope i can get my hair line back :p .

I dont ejaculate unless im havin sex and i WILL NOT jack off ever. I havent jacked since march 24th or some shyt ( the correct date is in the masturbation thread ).

If i go through a drought and have no sex, i wont beat one off nopes, ill let it come out naturally via a nocturnal emission ( wet dream ) . The body knows when to release it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by ReT
I literlly had no balls at this point from whacking so much.
hahaha, this forum is getting too fukcin funny!

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
for me, having great sex with beautiful women is so much more pleasurable and sensual than masturbating. instead of fantasizing and dreaming about a girl while whacking off, id much rather be deep inside her making her ***.

to each their own...



Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
if you dont use it, you lose it


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by toot86
you are too destroying your own natural motiviaion towards getting a woman to reproduce and therefore bring birth to your offspring...lol

Ok that sales it for me... bring on the porn!